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Trump is threatening Zelensky: "If you don't start negotiations you won't see another bullet from us"

According to a new revealing report by Reuters, two advisers to Donald Trump have presented the former US president with a plan to end Russia's war in Ukraine. This plan could be implemented if Trump wins the upcoming presidential election in the United States. Under this plan, Ukraine would continue to receive US weapons only on the condition that it participates in peace negotiations.


What the Trump Plan says

Trump's advisers warned, of course, that if Russia refuses to join the peace talks on the Russian-Ukrainian war itself, then the Trump administration would increase the military aid it sends to the Ukrainian army. This was specifically revealed by retired General Keith Kellogg, who is also a former national security adviser to the Trump administration.

Kellogg and Fred Fledge are the two Trump advisors who created this plan to end the Russian-Ukrainian war. Both served as senior officials on the Trump administration's National Security Council between 2017 and 2021. 

The two men presented their idea to the former US president and according to them, Trump liked the plan.

"We're not saying he agreed or disagreed with every proposal we wrote, but he had the reaction we wanted him to have," Fledge said.

This plan of Kellogg and Fledge is so far the most detailed plan to end the war in Ukraine that the Trump team has presented to date. Previously, Trump had suggested that he could end the Russian-Ukrainian war in one day, but until today we did not know exactly how he intended to accomplish this.

Although the details of the plan have not yet been publicly revealed, Moscow has been quick to comment on this news. The Kremlin specifically said that any future peace plan proposed by the Trump administration - if of course elected - would have to represent the reality of the battlefield. However, Russia clarified that President Vladimir Putin is open to discussions on ending the conflict.


"The value of any plan lies in the details and whether the situation on the ground was taken seriously," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters reporters.


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