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"Necessary Measure"! Total modernization for every nuclear shelter in Russia

The Kremlin has issued an order to inspect and modernize Russia's shelters. The news became known through the Russian Moscow Times, whose data is said to have been obtained from its own sources.


According to the publication, the repair of the shelters began after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February of last year and continues in the year 2023. The reactivation of these shelters begins a few kilometers away from the war front, while reaching areas in the Russian Far East. 

As the publication informs us, thousands of Russian shelters, fortified undergrounds and other safe and fortified places have been "temporarily" closed for decades and as a result are now in difficult condition.

The local authorities have started spending hundreds of millions of rubles to rehabilitate them so that they can become functional again.

"The decision to inspect the shelter network was made by the government last spring. Russia's Emergencies Ministry, Defense Ministry and other ministries of the country were ordered to start large-scale inspections and restoration procedures," said a Russian official, citing on information received from a government meeting.



More specifically...

More specifically, the authorities of the Krasnodar region will spend more than 6 million rubles on the repair of shelters in 2023, with the city of Nizhny Novgorod jumping the amount of related expenses to 50 million rubles. On the other hand, Razan will use funds amounting to 1 million.

Journalists note that most of the country's shelters, which according to the law must be maintained by local authorities, are in ruins and abandoned.


"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, no one needed them. But now, due to the situation at the front, the Kremlin has given the order to put them back into operation," explained one of the officials of the western region of the Russian Federation.


The modernization of the shelters after the beginning of partial conscription is considered a necessary measure, Oleg Ignatov, an analyst at the think tank International Crisis Group, emphasizes.

At the same time, hundreds of offers have been published in the Russian government agency for the modernization of these shelters in various regions of the Russian hinterland. Contracts include repairs to ventilation and waterproofing, replacement of doors, installation of air filters and provision of adequate lighting.

A former Russian official have told the Moscow Times that the Kremlin's interest in the Russian bunkers stems from heightened fears of nuclear war, which had come out by Putin's order to put nuclear forces on high alert in late February.

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