Greek-Turkish Relations
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The British will help Turkey build submarines - State of the art technology in Ankara from London

Speaking to the youth, the Turkish president revealed that Britain will cooperate with Turkey in the production of modern submarines, while he emphasized that the construction of unmanned mini-submarines has advanced a lot.

“UK wants to work with Turkey on submarine production. Let's hope that with the new step we have taken, we will reach the point of producing unmanned submarines", emphasized Turkish President R.N. Erdogan.

Erdogan noted that there are also those who want to build aircraft carriers and submarines, and that the United Kingdom wants to cooperate in building a submarine.


Stating that the country has taken a new step beyond the construction of submarines, he said: "I hope we get to the point of producing unmanned submarines in the new step that we have taken. In other words, the technology is constantly being renewed. It is not the same thing and in medicine? There is progress that is constantly being made in medicine," he stressed.

ASELSAN's new unmanned submarine

The area of ​​submarine warfare in the Aegean is of great importance for the final outcome of naval operations in the Aegean and decisive for the defense of our islands.

Turkey in compensation proceeded with its submarine construction work, according to which one of the total 6 Reis-class submarines to be delivered to the Turkish navy by 2027 will be put into operation each year.

The Turks have developed the STM500 mini-submarine that can be used by special forces and can carry up to 6 people, for conducting operations in the Aegean, while they have integrated the UAV Aksungur in anti-submarine warfare, upgrading our anti-submarine threat in the Aegean-An. Mediterranean.

Now Turkish defense company ASELSAN is building what it calls an "undersea threat hunter," a new unmanned underwater autonomous robotic vehicle shaped and sized like a torpedo, to challenge undersea dominance in the Aegean.

ASELSAN is also working on platforms that will be widely used on the battlefield of the future, which can be remotely controlled and which have the ability to make and implement decisions by themselves.

The solutions developed are used in the defense of ships and submarines and in the protection of critical ports and coastal infrastructure. By sending autonomous underwater vehicles to open critical ports, the approaching enemy threat can be detected.

In addition, attacks can be carried out with underwater autonomous vehicles without endangering personnel. Enemy elements can be neutralized with vehicles containing explosives or ammunition.

Our country must also develop a similar procedure for the purchase or joint construction with another country of unmanned small submarines.

Also the private sector can contribute to this, after the creation of unmanned small surface vessels.

Turkey has invested a lot in the field of unmanned systems in general and in the Three Dimensions, to be able to achieve aggressive saturation, in a possible crisis with our country, while avoiding the loss of human personnel.

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