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How dangerous is the newer self-propelled howitzer of China

In 2017 the new 155mm howitzer based on a truck was seen for the first time in China. In 2018 it was publicly revealed and since then, at least one battery was delivered to the Chinese army. The infantry system was known as SH-15 and was based on the SH-1 design. The Chinese army was not interested in the SH-1, even if it received some money from its sales. The new self-propelled howitzer was improved in many ways. It was offered for export and was adopted by the country's army as the PCL-181 in 2018 or 2019. Operation weapons were being noticed during a military parade in 2019 and today, the weapon is being used from medium to head armaments squads.  



PCL-181 is similar to the French CAESAR self-propelled howitzer. The weapon is equipped with a 155mm gun that is probably a modified version of the AH-2 155mm gun. It is compatible with all the NATO 155mm ammunition and the Chinese NORINCO. So, a big variety of shells are available for users. PCL-181 is capable of direct and indirect fire, with a maximum range of 53km for the rocket-guided V-LAP ammunition. It shares the same range as the previous SH-1 system. Also, the newer system can use laser-guided and satellite-guided missiles. The first one is based on the Russian Krasnopol guided missiles. China obtained production licenses at the end of the '90s and successfully developed its precision shells. The export names were GP155, GP155A, or GP1, depending on the version. The guided missiles have a range of 20-25km and the GP155B can be launched with the guidance of GPS. The infantry system is compatible with the GP155G guided missiles that are a copy of the Bonus shells. 


PCL-181 has integrated ammunition boxes and carries a variety of different rounds and ammunition. Before it shoots, two big sticks are lowered to the ground on the rear side of the howitzer. These sticks provide stability to the platform. The maximum rate of fire reaches 4 to 6 cells per minute. The transition from fire mode to transport mode takes only a minute to be done. So, the howitzer can stop, shoot and continue moving before the enemy shoot back. 
PCL-181 is armed with a digital fire control system, navigation, and targeting systems. These vehicles receive data from the command vehicle.  
The howitzer has a base truck, the Shaanxi military vehicle with an armored cabin. It provides space for a fully armed crew of 6 members. The armor protects the crew against small arms fires. A heavy 12,7mm machine gun is located at the top of the roof for defense purposes.  
PCL-181 is impressively agile and can operate autonomously for extended distances. The self-propelled howitzer can be transported in the air from the majority of medium transport aircraft and is light enough to be transported from a Y-9 or a similar aircraft. That makes the PCL-181 a versatile option for critical reaction zones. 



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