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This is the newest Russian armored personnel carrier that looks a bit strange

DT-BTR is a new Russian modular armored personnel carrier that is under production stage in the country. It looks like DT-BTR is the project name and not the vehicle name. The vehicle will be used in the arctic environs. DT-BTR was designed to cover the needs of the Russian Defense Ministry. The concept was revealed in 2021 and reports stated that DT-BTR will share common parts with the DT-4pb and DT-5p modular transport trucks.  
DT-BTR is a really odd vehicle because of its strange design. This is the first modular personnel carrier of the Russian Army. The vehicle was designed to operate in the harsh environment of the North part of the country. With its decent mobility, it can travel in hard areas like snow, mud, sand, and others. The vehicle has low ground pressure due to its design. Its modular configuration helps in many ways in off-road operations. 

The two modular units connect through a mechanism. The front part includes the driver, the gun operator, and the commander of the vehicle. The rear part has enough space for 8 fully armed soldiers and some gear and ammunition. The vehicle can travel with a trailer up to 7t.  


The protection levels withstand small firearms, mines and, other explosives. The vehicle is armed with a turret that features a 30mm autocannon, a 7,62mm machine gun, and a 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Plus, there is an anti-tank Kornet guided missiles launcher. Another configuration includes a remotely controlled turret with a 12,7mm machine gun. 
Even if we don't know the engine of the vehicle, it is known that DT-BTR is fully amphibious and develops almost 500hp. 



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