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Turkish officials are selling out top secret information on energy & weapons development

Chaos is blooming inside Turkey, as Turkish citizens pay as much as not to serve in the turkish Armed Forces for fear of being killed in Erdogan's campaigns, while senior officers and officials sell secrets of the Turkish defense industry.

Turkish officials have been arrested along with two others on charges of leaking critical information about new weapons being developed by the Turkish defense industry for the Turkish navy.

Three military personnel and a civilian have been detained by police following an investigation launched by the Ankara Attorney General's Office, the judiciary said.

The investigation revealed that basic information has been leaked about helicopters, warships and missiles of the Turkish Navy, along with top secret information about elements of the Turkish Cruise missile ATMACA.

The suspects, including two recently retired officers and a sergeant, are accused of leaking classified information belonging to the Turkish state.


One of the suspects was arrested earlier this month on charges of leaking information through the presidency of the defense industry to foreign companies, but was released on bail.

On January 12, Turkish police arrested a senior official of a well-known international private energy company based in Constantinople (Istanbul) and five others on charges of energy espionage.

However, the information revealed by the Turkish detainees is said to be of significant value and confidential due to their nature, regarding the security of the Turkish state.

It was announced that the interrogations of the four are continuing in the Security Directorate of the Ankara Counter-Terrorism Service, while the Turkish authorities are said to have identified the suspects' contacts with 6 foreign nationals.

This is a classic case of industrial espionage which is now a critical branch of all intelligence services, with companies involved all over the world.

Τhese last piecies of information information brings us to a conclusion that the Turkish regime that counts down as whistleblowers and informational assets work against Erdogan's government, and we may soon see an uprising as thousands of university students are mobilized against a regime that leads Turkey back to the Dark Ages.

Spotlight: Erdogan and his tenure as a reserve officer

The People's Liberation Party yesterday asked the Turkish Ministry of Defense, "whether President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did his military service as a Reserve Officer using a fake high school diploma.

Four questions about Erdogan were asked by HKP lawyers including:


  • If Erdogan had a fake higher education diploma.
  • If Recep Tayyip Erdogan's high school diploma is valid to study in a higher education school by providing 4 years of education at a higher Islamic institute.
  • If the diploma obtained by Eyüp High School is valid and has not been communicated to the Turkish people to date.
  • If he served as a Reserve Officer having a fake degree.

The condition to be a Reserve Officer in Turkey is to have graduated from schools, academies, colleges and institutes as well as from foreign educational institutions that have been accepted as top level respectively by the Ministry of Education.

Therefore, every Turkish citizen who wants to do his military service as a Reserve Officer must submit a document showing his graduation from a four-year higher education institution.

In this case; On what date did Recep Tayyip Erdogan's compulsory military service begun and on what date did he end it? If he did his military service as a Reserve Officer, what school diploma was submitted to the Turkish army?

It is to be estimated that the tale with the Turkish president is being lost and his expulsion has slowly begun, since Turkey is a boiling cauldron that will explode in the blink of an eye.

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