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Israel demands a new Treaty of Sevres from Erdogan, blocking neo-Ottoman policies

Following the Turkish request for rapprochement, the Israelis decided to effectively "cut off" Turkey's hands in the Mediterranean and the Palestinian issue, while seeking guarantees that the Turks were not preparing a new Ottoman Empire.

But if “Sultan” Erdogan surrenders his neo-Ottoman policy and the Palestinian cause, it will be seen as a betrayal and will wipe out Turkish influence in the Palestinian developments, while hurting Erdogan's government inside Turkey.

In the midst of harsh economic conditions and external pressures, popular discontent about the most important issue in the Islamic world would lead to the overthrow of Erdogan himself.

Taking into account all these aspects, we can say that Israel's demands in practice for Erdogan concern a new Treaty of Sevres (signed in 1920) which led to the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire.

In recent years, Turkey's entry into geopolitical rivalries in various parts of the world, from the Mediterranean and Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and North Africa, has only created problems in said countries.

This issue, together with international developments and the economic crisis in Turkey, has prompted Turkish officials to embark on a policy of de-escalation to address the current and future challenges they themselves have created.

One area in which Turkey has invested heavily has been the de-escalation of relations with the Israeli regime.

Turkish-Israeli relations under Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party (AKP) have been strained for 10 years.

However, the cold relations have never had a significant impact on the relatively extensive economic ties between the two countries. Under the current circumstances, two types of factors are driving Turkey to seek new ties with the Israeli regime:

A. Economic crisis, along with European pressures on Ankara's plans in the Mediterranean Sea.

B. The Arab-Israeli normalization and the anti-Turkish axis in conjunction with Biden's rise to the United States.

Cooperation between Tel Aviv and Ankara in the Karabakh crisis and the importance of geo-economic programs, such as the Israel-Persian Gulf Railway, are among the positive factors. Nevertheless, Turkey's intention to reunite was "abruptly" cut short by Israeli demands.

The top Israeli demands to Ankara are the closure of the Hamas office in Istanbul and the cessation of the activities of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, on Turkish territory.

These moves were assessed as follows in Ankara:

First, Israeli demands are a "knife" for the Turks, because the main cause of Turkish-Israeli tensions is the Israeli aggression and repressive policies against the Palestinians.

Turkey focuses mainly on economic and geopolitical interests and the expansion of its influence in the Mediterranean.

In fact, Ankara supports the ideal liberation of Palestine, and the declaration of an autonomous state, something that the Israelis do not accept.

Secondly, Turkey sees itself as a regional power that, in line with the policies of the Erdogan government, longs to return to the glorious past of the Ottoman Empire.

The Biden government announced that it will follow the same course of imperative normalization with Turkey, provided that the Turks will be "obedient".

Any improvement in relations with Turkey, without a change in Ankara's regional policies, is in conflict with nature and position with the normalization conditions demanded by Israel.

If Turkey closes Hamas's office in Istanbul, and improves its relations with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, it will undermine the Muslim Brotherhood's influence throughout the region.

Ankara will never do that and will continue its neo-Ottoman course until the conflict with the United States and the birth of Kurdistan, which is the current plan of the Western forces.

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