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Russian "coaches" to Erdogan for a Nobel Prize-" Dark clouds in Moscow in the event of Kilinzaroglou's victory

The Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov during a briefing commented on the idea of the proposal of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Kremlin spokesman noted that Moscow highly appreciates the peaceful activities of the Turkish leader.

"Of course, we highly appreciate Mr. Erdogan's efforts, his peace activities, his efforts to provide mediation services and his stance on the development of bilateral Russian-Turkish relations," Peskov commented on the initiative at the request of Russian journalists.

Earlier, the proposal to nominate Erdogan for the Nobel Peace Prize was made by the former president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In the opinion of Putin's Russian representative, the Turkish president is an outstanding personality and a world-class politician who is doing a great job to ensure the peaceful life not only of his people, but also of all Muslims.

The president of the Turkish Parliament, Mustafa Sedop, made a similar proposal at the end of December. The candidacy of Erdoğan was also supported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijártó.

The activities of the Turkish leader were also noted by the President of the Senate of Pakistan, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, who officially requested the Turkish president for the award.

Russians have bad thoughts in case the Kemalists prevail in the elections

Russian government sources consider the possibility of the Turkish opposition coming to power as new "tests" in the relations between Russia and Turkey. This is essentially what Kemal Kilinsaroglou, the only candidate from the six opposition parties in Turkey, said on Sunday. The presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey are scheduled for May 14.

Opponent of the current president and the only candidate of the "Republican Alliance" Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the May 14 elections is the only candidate of the opposition "People's Alliance", leader of the People's Republican Party Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

The results of pre-election polls do not yet reveal the favorite of the upcoming elections, but Russian experts note that the current election process will be the most difficult for the ruling party in the context of the devastating earthquakes that have claimed the lives of more than 49 thousand people, as and a difficult economic situation.

According to Turkey's presidential candidate Muharrem Ince, the most important factor in relations between Turkey and Russia should be trust.

"It is necessary to avoid meddling in Turkey's internal affairs and with regard to the elections, not to take steps and comments that concern one side or the other," Kilinsaroglou said in an interview. He stressed that Russia is an important neighbor and "partner if necessary", but in some cases there are disagreements between Ankara and Moscow.

"This is natural when it comes to a sovereign state... Turkey's foreign policy position vis-à-vis Russia is known, as is Russia's position vis-à-vis Turkey. I believe that on the basis of mutual respect there will be no reasons to change positions. On the contrary, instead of new tests, I believe these positions will be strengthened," said the opposition candidate," the Turkish politician emphasized.

Beautiful words with empty meaning about the Kremlin. No one in Moscow believes it, and it is considered as a one-way street, also due to the earthquakes, that Turkey will turn completely to the west, "emptying" the alliance with Russia.

In fact, the Kemalist president once again recalled the desire to develop relations with Moscow at the level of institutions and not leaders. According to him, the Turkish opposition does not support the Russian invasion of Ukraine and defends the territorial integrity of that country, calling for a peace agreement between Moscow and Kiev.

What is certain is that when and if we have a regime change in Ankara, Turkey-Russia relations will go back to 2015 and even further back, especially with regard to the Bosphorus Straits.

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