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Rubin against Rama: "He imprisoned Beleri for spoiling his plans - He is retracing Erdogan's steps"

We were interested in an article by the well-known American expert Michael Rubin entitled "how the US anti-corruption programme helps corrupt dictators". In it he also refers to the case of Beleri.


Serious Accusations Rubin Against Rama

"Both US President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have said that corruption is undeniably destructive to a state: it slows economic progress, undermines democracy and contributes to global instability. But despite their words, the American plans favour corruption rather than fight it," Rubin began.

According to the American, the main problem in this matter is the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the philosophy of action of the US embassies. 

"The USAID agency is not interested in fighting corruption, it only cares about economic issues. On the other hand, US ambassadors are focused on making relations between presidents and prime ministers smoother rather than risky criticism on issues like that of corruption," Rubin stressed.

As an apt example, the American cited the case of Albania. Referring to Albania, Rubin said the Americans have invested nearly $30 million in programs to reform the justice and law enforcement system in the Balkan country, but to no avail.

"Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is trying to move Albania away from European democracy and closer and closer to Turkish-style autocracy," he explained.

And indeed, the Freedom House organization placed Albania lower than even the Pseudo-state in the occupied northern Cyprus in the global ranking list of states based on the level of freedom. 

Rubin supported his view of the high level of corruption in Albania with two examples: that of the case of Fredi Beleri, i.e. the democratically elected mayor of Himara who is currently in prison, and the case of Arben Ahmetai.


"Rama imprisoned Beleri unfairly because he was going against his plans to develop real estate in the region. As for Ahmetai, Rama put him in jail because he was gaining ground in the country's political scene and by extension was becoming a threat to him."

And Rubin concluded his very interesting article by saying that "it is not too late, Albanians need democracy, Rama must be punished."

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