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Armed Conflicts
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The Americans were conducting experiments on people in northern Ukraine, the Kremlin revealed

According to a last hour article in the Russian Chanel 5, US Department of Defense personnel were active in Ukraine, where they conducted human experiments during the Russian-Ukrainian war. This was announced by the head of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense (RKhBZ) troops of the Russian armed forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirilov, in brief statements.


Kirilov said that during Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, several things were revealed, including laboratories in Rubeznoye, Severodonetsk and Kherson, while the Russians also gained access to public documents.

"The analysis confirmed the dangerous nature of the Pentagon's experiments," commented the Moscow lieutenant general.

Kirillov explained that American scientists tested the effects of zoonotic diseases on Ukrainians, as well as the effects/effectiveness of pharmaceutical treatments on them. In addition, biological samples were brought to the United States from the front for "possible use in offensive biological programs," the Russian said.

The head of the Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense troops stressed that during inspections of the relevant US infrastructure in Donetsk and Lugansk, samples of microorganisms were found that were transferred from the American Type Collection organization to Ukraine. According to Russia, the transfer of these micro-organisms was made in order to study zoonotic diseases of economic importance. These samples were said to have been found in one of the veterinary laboratories in northern Ukraine.

Specifically, Channel 5 reports that in a laboratory in Hersonissos, scientists were collecting data on the migratory paths of migratory birds. The site said it was possible that the scientists were also collecting samples for avian flu, a disease particularly dangerous to humans.

Earlier, Kirillov had said that the United States maintains control of a number of biological infrastructures on Ukrainian territory in order to continue their work after the war ends.

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We transmit the above data with all reservations, since their validity obviously cannot be confirmed by any international organization, at least not at the moment. 

While for many the recent Russian accusations may be nothing more than propaganda, it should be noted that this is not the first time the US has been accused of biological and chemical experiments on the territory of a foreign country. Accusations have been made before and some of them have involved Ukraine.

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