Armed Conflicts
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"Blind rage" of Ukrainians against Russia - Indiscriminate bombing of Belgorod & Crimea

The Kiev regime's "summer counter-offensive" entered October softly under the constant cover of the conventional corporate media's claims of "major successes" against the "retreating Russian forces".

However, the loud headlines are not really helping on the battlefield and Kiev continues to bang its head against the Russian vanguard in the Zaporozhye region and other parts of the front line.

This slight disconnect between propaganda and reality is causing a blind rage among the Ukrainian leadership, which is in constant need of some "visual confirmation" of its successes. The occupation of some "strategic" abandoned buildings in the grey zone seemed to be not so convenient for the foreign sponsors of the Ukrainian advance.

Thus, Kiev is increasing its strike efforts to hit targets behind the front line. Kiev forces have dropped more than 70 different munitions on Belgorod in the last 24 hours. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov noted that among them two munitions fragments were fired from a drone at Murom in the Sebekinsky district.

A local village was also attacked by a kamikaze drone. The attacks did not result in any casualties. However, one of the communication infrastructure facilities was damaged. In addition, Russian forces shot down two drones over the village of Novostroyevka-Vtoraya.

During the same period, Kiev forces carried out a total of 35 bombing attacks targeting the territory of the city of Donetsk.

The increase in attacks followed the failed attempt by Ukrainian commandos to land on the Crimean peninsula on 4 October. The attempt was accompanied by a massive drone attack.

The Russian FSB released the video of the interrogation of one of the attackers who was captured alive. It claimed that the Ukrainian unit, consisting of 16 people, departed from the Odessa region using high-speed vessels, including boats and jet skis. According to public figures, most of them died from Russian strikes near the Russian coast, one was captured and at least two allegedly managed to escape back to Ukraine.

The interesting fact is that in the published video, the saboteur stated that the group's goal was to take photos and videos with the Ukrainian flag in the background on the territory of the Russian peninsula. This 'strategic objective' is fully in line with all the actions of the current regime in Kiev, which is more focused on PR victories and the absorption of foreign money than on achieving any peace on the territory of Ukraine.

These developments come amidst ongoing positional clashes in the Zaporozhye region and around Bakhmut. Kiev units are still continuing attempts to penetrate Russian defence lines there. However, for now, the attacks are mainly on a large number of infantry units, which are supported by military equipment only in case of "possible success".

Kiev apparently believes that ordinary infantrymen are much cheaper than fancy NATO equipment.

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