Weapon systems
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Turks are fearful of the Greek F-16 VIPER, AH-64 Apache and CH-47F Chinook-Full Greek sovereignty in the Aegean (Video)

Disturbance prevails in Turkish media dealing with defense issues and armament programs, regarding the strengthening of the Air Force and the Air Force of Greece.

Greece gets new AH-64 Apache and CH-47F Chinook helicopters from the US and modernizes existing ones

In particular, the article mentions the fact that "Greece sent a letter of request to the USA for the supply of AH-64 Apache and CH-47F Chinook helicopters as well as for the modernization of its existing helicopters.

Greece has submitted a request to the United States to modernize its Air Force fleet.

A total of 10 Boeing AH-64E Guardian and 20 Boeing CH-47F attack helicopters are expected, as well as the upgrade of 9 existing AH-64DHA to the E model level, according to Greece's requirements.

Greece, which has sent a Letter of Request (LoR) to the US, aims to get a decision on this matter from Congress by the end of the year.

The first step in this is the so-called Price and Availability (P&A) stage.

According to the news of Tolga Özbek, Greece plans to buy 20 units of the new F model CH-47s, which play an important role in the transport function of the Army Aviation units.

In the current CH-47 fleet the Greek D model will also be upgraded to the F model with the modernization that will take place.

General characteristics of the Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopter

Length: 52.0 ft (15.9 m), including rotors (30.18 m)

Width: 12.42 ft (3.78 m)

Rotor diameter: 60 feet (18.29 meters)

Height: 18.92 ft (5.77 m)

Power: 2 Honeywell 55-GA-714A engines, 4,733 shp (3,529 kW) each

Maximum speed: 170 kt (315 km/h)

Fuel: 1,034 gal. (3,914 L)

Maximum service limit: 20,000 feet

Payload Capacity: 24,000 lb (10,886 kg)

Mission range: 200 nm (370.4 km)

Maximum take-off weight: 50,000 lb (22,680 kg)

Mission: Transport of troops, heavy weapons, ammunition, fuel, materiel and water for military operations and for civilian and humanitarian aid purposes

Greece plans to increase its fleet of attack helicopters

Greece also plans to expand its fleet of attack helicopters.

To this end, it has also requested the purchase of the AH-64E Guardian, the new generation model of the AH-64 Apache helicopter family.

The AH-64E has powerful T700-GE-701D engines.

Currently, the US military has upgraded many of its AH-64Ds to the E model.


General characteristics of the AH-64E

Country of origin United States
Entered service 2011
Crew 2 people

Dimensions and weight
Length 17.7m
Main rotor diameter 14.6 m
Height 5 m
Weight (empty) 5.17 t
Weight (maximum take-off) 10.43 t

Engines and performance
Engines 2 x General Electric T700-GE-701D turboshafts
Engine power 2 x 1 994 shp

Maximum speed 300 km/h
Cruising speed ~ 275 km/h

Service ceiling 6.4 km

Range 476 km


1 x 30 mm gun (1 200 rounds)
Missiles 16 x AGM-114L Hellfire-2 anti-tank missiles, 4 x AIM-92 Stinger, or 4 x Mistral, or 2 x AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 x AGM-122 Sidearm anti-radiation missiles.

Other 19-shot pods with Hydra 70 unguided missiles.



Efforts to convert Greek F-16s into Viper versions continue unabated in the US

Another Turkish media reports that another plane has been converted into a Viper version and is ready to return from the US to Greece.

It was reported that the F-16 aircraft with the serial number "005" took off from the factory where the modernization work was carried out and is ready to join the 343rd Fighter Squadron of Greece to which it will belong.

The US Air Force's 416th Flight Test Squadron released a "farewell" video to the Greek warplane, commenting that its "mission" symbolized "the American nation's commitment to its allies around the world."



From the above, it is clear that the Turks are worried and surprised, so to speak, since they are facing a situation regarding our country's armament programs that they probably did not expect.

The vertical upgrade of our Air Force with the conversion of its F-16 to the VIPER version continues from the USA, while it is a matter of a few months that the upgrade of the Air Force of our country begins with the acquisition of AH-64 Apache and CH-47F Chinook helicopters , and the modernization of its existing helicopters.

All this shows that the prerequisite Turkish air dominance in the Aegean to occupy our islands is an elusive dream for Erdogan, since Greece, in addition to its qualitative superiority, tends to equalize the quantitative difference from the Turkish Air Force and the Turkish Army Air Force.


A clear proof of the above is the fraudulent open proposal of the Turkish President to the Greek Prime Minister who will take over the reins of the country after the elections, that is to reduce our armaments as a prerequisite for continuing the recession in the Aegean, while the Turkish military industry delivers one after another new weapon systems-means and ammunition to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF).



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