Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Turkish analysts are under the fear of the Rafale: The Eurofighter is Europe's best fighter!

According to Kozan Seljuk Ercan, a Turkish Defence and Maritime Researcher, who spoke to, the Eurofighter is Europe's best fighter plane, with much more powerful electronics and engines than the Rafale planes produced by France and recently purchased by Greece. 

''So we are talking about a highly advanced aircraft.''


''We can say that the Eurofighter comes right after the F35. It is the best fighter plane in Europe."

''A training fleet of at least 12 aircraft can be established in Turkey within 1 year. In the meantime, we can use the advanced Trench-3 or Trench-4 models. If new planes are ordered, I think it will take 2 to 2.5 years to come. In short, we can say that Eurofighter Trench-4 is more difficult to produce aircraft,'' he noted.

''If we get the right deal, we can intervene on Trench-1 aircraft and put our own weapons on them.'' 

''Even if they don't open up the whole aircraft to us, I think conditions will be created for us to use our indigenous munitions like Bozdoğan and Gökdoğan,'' he added.

''If we take the possibility of Greece buying F-35s in the future, we can see the purchase of Eurofighter aircraft as a move that will significantly strengthen Turkey in the Aegean and minimize potential risks,'' the Turkish analyst concluded.

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