Greek-Turkish Relations
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After the Migration Agreement comes another agreement with Turkey

With the time counting down for the signing of the joint statement between Greece and Turkey on the Migration issue, an agreement on which the competent minister Mr.Kairidis told ERT that it is a Euro-Turkish agreement initiated by Athens, the atmosphere is undoubtedly positive, at least at the diplomatic level. Ultimately, it is an agreement on migration, which is currently a problem for both countries and its resolution gives a positive "aura" to the relations between the two countries without currently touching the red lines on both coasts of the Aegean.

This is typical of what Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said to the homogeneous radio station "Hellenic Echo".

After talking about the Diaspora, the Greek community, relations with the US and the Balkans, the head of Greek diplomacy also referred to Greek-Turkish relations, saying.

I think it is extremely important that, after a period in which we had a relative difficulty in being able to communicate creatively, we have established an important channel of communication with the Turkish side, we have two governments that have a very fresh mandate from the electorate and have significant political capital to move forward in discussions.

It is important for us, at the first level, to be able to extend the time, as far as possible, of the period of peace and reconciliation in our region, in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

It is important that we can communicate with the other side without causing a crisis every time there is any difference or disagreement.

There will be a series of positive measures, which will relate to areas that are important for both countries, such as civil protection, which is a consequence of the major climate crisis that is occurring in the Mediterranean and which is affecting all the countries around the Mediterranean and, of course, Greece and Turkey. And, at some point - which is not at present - we will also look at our major difference, which is the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone.

All this, of course, will have to be demonstrated in practice. Sincerity will have to be demonstrated consistently and consistently. And in particular, of course, we must not forget the fundamental priority of Greek foreign policy, which is our Cyprus, our Cyprus, which for us is extremely important to continue the discussions that are taking place and were interventions by the Greek state and our Prime Minister towards the continuation of the discussions between the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot side, so that there can be a viable solution, precisely in the framework of the UN Security Council resolutions and the appointment of a special envoy."

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