Greek-Turkish Relations
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Turks are in shock - The French army will use the port of Alexandroupolis for Eastern Europe

Two-hour technical meeting with French Officers of the Strategic Transport & Supply Support Center for the use of the port of Alexandroupoli by the French Armed Forces, 8 months after the first exploratory contact, we had and everything is going well.

"Greece and France have signed from September 28, 2021 an agreement to establish a strategic partnership for cooperation in Defense and Security! In fact, Article 2 of the Agreement states: "The two parties shall provide each other with assistance and assistance, with all appropriate means at their disposal, and if necessary with the use of armed force, if they jointly determine that an armed attack takes place against the territory of one of the two, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter", says the president of the Alexandroupoli Port Organization KL. Hatzimichael.

After the Americans, our country also brings France to the region of Western Thrace, especially in Alexandroupolis, which is only 25 km from Turkey, causing intense concern in Ankara which sees its plans canceled one after another.

The presence of French officers and the prospect of docking French warships, "lock" future developments in the Northern Aegean region, in which French warships and even nuclear-powered submarines, among others, will sail in the future, giving yet another positive perspective in our country, and canceling many of Ankara's plans, which shouts for no reason about the Muslim minority in Western Thrace.

The French Ambassador Patrick Maisonnave in December 2022, had made the following assessment regarding his visit to Alexandroupoli:

"I have no doubt that I will see the ships of the French navy docked in Alexandroupolis. I was in Alexandroupolis to investigate the possibilities of cooperation between economic entities in the region of Thrace (West) and French companies.

France openly sides with Greece on immigration and also on the enlargement of the European Union to include some Balkan countries in the EU."

The French military presence 25 km from the Turkish border and the Bosphorus straits is causing anger in Ankara, which is calling out for no reason for the Muslim minority in Greece.

The Odesa-Alexandroupoli land connection will increase the strategic value of Greece over the Constantinople Canal

Our country has a unique opportunity, (which comes every 100 years) to dramatically increase its geopolitical value for friends (USA-EU) and enemies (Turkey), by connecting Alexandroupoli with Odessa or the Baltic countries when the war in Ukraine ends at some point.

The Egnatia Railway project (new line Thessaloniki-Kavala-Toxotes Xanthi, worth €1.3 billion), which will connect the 3 ports of Northern Greece, includes the interconnection with the cities of Burgas and Varna in Bulgarian territory.


It is not just a big railway project of the new Thessaloniki-Kavala-Xanthi line with a total length of 205 km, part of the so-called Eastern Railway Egnatia, which will be connected to the Bulgarian side, but a huge geopolitical project of the West to bypass the Straits and Turkey's guardianship over them.

We are talking about the construction of a new high-speed line with electric propulsion that will be 173.7 km long, while the speeds that will be developed will be 160-200 km/h in places.

Assessing these plans, the Turkish Islamic elite in Ankara has, for some time now, launched a relentless plan aimed at our Western Thrace, and not by chance.

Ankara's "appetites" for the partition of Thrace multiplied, now turning into direct threats, continuing its provocative rhetoric about "Turkish minority".

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