Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Odessa-Alexandroupolis land link will raise the strategic value of Greece vis-à-vis the Constantinople Canal

Our country has a unique opportunity (which comes every 100 years) to dramatically increase its geopolitical value for friends (US-EU) and enemies (Turkey), by connecting Alexandroupolis with Odessa or the Baltic countries when the war in Ukraine ends.  

"We need to create a road network that will connect Odessa, Constanta and Burgas with Alexandroupolis within a few hours. And Alexandroupoli should become like Piraeus. This changes the map of the region. It ends the Hellespont and the Bosphorus," said MP and professor Angelos Syrigos.

He is talking about a road axis connecting the port of Alexandroupolis with Odessa, which will be together with the railway axis to the same Ukrainian city.  

His statement follows Greece's Egnatia-Limani railway project on the Black Sea to bypass the Bosphorus Strait.

The Egnatia Railway project (new €1.3 billion Thessaloniki-Kavalas-Kavala-Xanthi Railway line), which will connect the three ports of northern Greece, includes a link to the cities of Burgas and Varna on Bulgarian territory.
This is not just a major railway project of the new 205km long Thessaloniki-Kavala-Xanthi line, part of the so-called Eastern Railway Egnatia, which will be connected to the Bulgarian side, but a huge geopolitical project of the West to bypass the Straits and Turkey's tutelage in them.

We are talking about the construction of a new high-speed electrified line 173.7 km long, with speeds of 160-200 km/h in places.

Assessing these plans, the Turkish Islamic elite in Ankara has, for some time now, embarked on a relentless plan to target our Western Thrace, and not by chance.

Ankara's "appetites" for the partition of Thrace have multiplied, moving now to direct threats, continuing its provocative rhetoric about the "Turkish minority".

 Given the opportunity, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan every now and then "warns" our country by saying that "I will not leave our relatives there alone".

Basically, the Turks want to somehow control part of the region of Western Thrace, to cancel if they can (which they cannot) the Egnatia railway, both from the Greek and the Bulgarian side, and generally to "set foot" in the region which Erdogan considers to be the "border of the heart".

Ankara is literally dreading these plans because it will lose a lot of money from the Bosphorus sea route, while the port of Alexandroupolis will be dramatically upgraded as a huge volume of goods will pass through.

The next period is considered crucial because Ankara will probably challenge in Western Thrace in addition to the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, wanting the plans that will upgrade our country in the eyes of the West after 10 years of inaction.


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