Greek-Turkish Relations
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The unknown Greek "battle" on American ground to stop the recognition of "Turkaegean" as a trademark

The low tones in Greek-Turkish relations are said to last until September at the most, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu and Turkish President Erdogan. The diplomacy of the earthquakes has led Greek-Turkish relations to a state of absolute calm, but the two sides of the Aegean will continue to compete for the tourist season, whose revenues, especially in this particular phase, are valuable.


We have written articles in PENTAPOSTAGMA several times, referring to the trademark "Turkaegean", which is widely used, as it has been applied for in the USA, while it has already been granted in the EU. And just as many times, we wondered what exactly Greece will do so that this request does not proceed.

So according to "Kathimerini", this particular case is at the following stage...

Greece's diplomatic mission in Washington has been engaged in a tough and marathon fight, with the experienced ambassador Alexandra Papadopoulou as the most important cog in an effort to block the recognition of "Turkaegean" as a trademark for use in the US. In the correspondence of the Greek embassy in Washington from January until a few days ago at the end of March with the competent Ministry of Development and, of course, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which "K" brings to the public today, certain details of a case emerge that may judged at the end of July.

For its representation, the Greek side has hired Steptoe, which is a house of international reputation and long experience in commercial arbitration cases or asserting rights against state authorities. Although Steptoe's total fee is unknown, an order of magnitude can be inferred from the fact that the Greek side, as represented by the Industrial Property Organization (OBI), has commissioned a study from Steptoe at a cost estimated to 70,000 dollars, with the aim of establishing that the Turks are misleading the American authorities with the term "Turkaegean", with the alien goal of influencing American public opinion at the expense of Greece. In this context, it is requested to hire a competent linguist.

Of course, it has also been proposed to investigate the possibility that the Greek side should request the opinion of two universities of international prestige, namely the British historians David Abulafia (Cambridge University) and Mark Mazauer (Columbia University), who - obviously - will be scouted in order to contribute with the their knowledge. David Abulafia's "The Great Sea" in particular, also known to the general public, is a scientific work on the time of the Mediterranean, with several interesting aspects for the Greek public, such as the assessment that the war that led to the Asia Minor Catastrophe was basically a fratricide conflict. Mark Mazauer's work is, of course, more widely known in Greece.

The file prepared on behalf of Athens by the American company includes excerpts of various recent statements by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with the aim of strengthening the Greek argument that the attempt to secure the "Turkaegean" trademark constitutes an action of geopolitical expediency on the part of the Turkish side.

Around the middle of February, the competent body of the US Trademark Office (Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office - USPTO) requested from the Greek side more clarifications in relation to the opposition application filed on its behalf by the Steptoe. The company - according to what Ms. Papadopoulou reports in Athens - has assessed as positive the reaction of the USPTO to request clarifications, as "it indicates that the initial arguments about misleading the consumer and bad faith on the part of Turkey were deemed rather valid" .

In the previous discussions, the Turkish side has rejected Greece's specific argument in an oblique way. And this since, as can be seen in the passage highlighted by "K" today, the assessment is formulated that "the opposition politicizes a simple trademark registration process, trying to introduce territorial disputes between two nations before a completely incompetent mechanism". And, as Ms. Papadopoulou continues in her information cable - with a total of 29 pages of the entire file -, the Turks claim that "the term 'Turkaegean' is not misleading and has already been registered as a trademark in the EU." and in fact without raising any objections from the side of Greece".

Actions in the E.U.

It is worth noting that the Greek side, in the previous period of time, also filed an opposition request with the competent body of the European Commission (European Union Intellectual Property Office-EUIPO). In fact, an attempt has been made from Athens to contact the lawyers who handle the matter in America with those who represent the Greek side in the case, so that the argumentation is the same on both sides of the Atlantic. What will happen; It is still too early to answer. However, as can be seen from the way the Turkish authorities are handling the matter, "Turkaegean" is already at the top of the campaign for the tourist season for the lacy shores of the other side of the Aegean...

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