Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Greek aid impressed even the analysts of the largest Turkish think tank...

Even Turkey's largest think tank has been impressed by the hand of friendship extended by the Greek people to the Turkish people, offering without any qualms logistical support and more. What Muhitin Ataman writes in an extensive article in Daily Sabah that was adopted by SETA is typical. Ataman devotes 1/3 of his article to supporting Greece, writing specifically:

"Among all the states, the most impressive example of changing relations was Greece and the reactions of Athens. Different Greek politicians have called their Turkish counterparts at different levels and acted as if relations were good. First of all, Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou called Erdogan and expressed her condolences. Second, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called Erdogan and expressed his condolences. Third, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias visited the earthquake area and met with his counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu and conveyed his condolences. In fact, even Mitsotakis' phone call was the most important development. Considering that Erdogan had said he would not meet with him again because of Mitsotakis' anti-Turkey statements in his speech to the US Congress, the Mitsotakis phone call is a very important development that may lead to normalization of bilateral relations.

Moreover, the success of the Greek search and rescue team in the process of removing and rescuing stranded people revealed ties that cannot be explained diplomatically. The hug shared by a Greek rescuer with the Greek flag on his helmet and a tiny earthquake survivor with the Turkish flag in his hand will be remembered as a warm photo that reflects pure human emotions. In addition, the Greek foreign minister was the first high-ranking foreign official to visit the earthquake area.

The aid sent and the messages issued highlight a very clear and important fact: the human response of people to a humanitarian crisis. Although states and people face problems, conflicts and wars due to different political, economic, social and cultural issues, they put aside their enmity and care for each other by emphasizing the human dimension.

As a second result, global aid and reactions showed how Turkey's international humanitarian aid activities increased sympathy for our country and the impact of Turkey's humanitarian diplomacy. Of course, Turkey and the Turkish people help states and peoples in need in difficult times without expecting anything in return, but we have seen how this humanitarian aid turns into de facto power when the time and place come. As a final word, I hope that humanitarian considerations will always prevail over interests and profits in international relations."


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