Greek-Turkish Relations
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Preparations for a possible departure? "NATO will impose a Kurdistan state on us and expel the Turkish Army from Cyprus"

Fury in Turkey with the alliance and the possibility of dismantling its Neo-Ottoman plans.

A major Turkish newspaper is talking about a plan to break up Turkey and create a Kurdish state and expel the Turkish occupying forces from Cyprus, following the recent anti-Western climate.

"Westerners ignore the fact that the Anglo-Saxon and European powers within NATO are imposing three maps on Turkey.

The first of these maps is Kurdistan, the second is the map of Seville and the third is Cyprus.

Turkey must resist these three maps for the independence, security and well-being of its future generations.

While this resistance continues, Turkey's presence in NATO cannot be sustained.

Those who say this is all sustainable are fooling themselves. In 1964, when NATO member Turkey tried to intervene in Cyprus, it was vetoed by a heavily threatening letter from the US President.

Fighting the PKK/YPG in Syria in 2019, Turkey was warned this time by the threatening letter of US President Trump, which can be seen as a new challenge.

Ankara could not even reply to this letter.

On the morning of November 22, 2020, our NATO ally Germany's warship commandos boarded the Turkish-flagged merchant ship in the open waters of the Mediterranean, without Turkish permission and without the Captain's approval.

They arrested the captain and crew and interrogated them.

This event, which was a shameful page in our Turkish naval history, was a second challenge as well.

Even if the western governments change their policy, the Turkish nation cannot digest and forget these insults.

NATO mission and Turkey

Under normal circumstances, NATO's mission ended in 1990, when the Cold War ended.
Then the US should have withdrawn to its own continent and handed over European security to European countries.

On the contrary, the USA, aiming for world domination, expanded NATO both in the wider area of ​​Europe and in the range of its activities.

Therefore, since then they have fueled instability that is reflected to this day. The question is not whether NATO is compatible with Turkey's national interests.

The question is whether NATO is compatible with the interests of humanity. Turkey cannot tame NATO with its veto power alone.

For example, while Secretary General Stoltenberg is making big promises to Ukraine on behalf of NATO, we ask if he is getting approval from the Permanent Representative of Turkey?

Does he get approval from Ankara? No. It is simply approved by the USA.

Can a representative of 30 member countries, excluding the US, come out and tell Stoltenberg that you are overstepping your authority? No.

Today, we can say that NATO has entered a very dangerous process that has never been experienced before in its history, which may even include a nuclear threat.

On the other hand, it is extremely wrong to see NATO as a purely international military alliance organization.

NATO is a force of intellectual influence/influence in both its soft and hard power.
It is a fortified military structure that has completed its spider web spread in all areas from the social sector to politics, media, academia and business.


Today, Turkish interests require maintaining the geopolitical win-loss balance in the Russia-Ukraine war.

However, the conscience of NATO and the West of the last 71 years is strong enough to put Turkish national interests in the background.

The world of media and academia, which informs the public, is under the control of Western power.

We have an opposition that sees NATO enlargement as our national interest.

For example, Georgia and Ukraine joining NATO would complete Turkey's encirclement of the Black Sea from the north and completely and irreversibly open the way for the US to change Turkey's borders to suit its own wishes.

Despite this fact, Turkey is still able to support Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO, but on its own terms", it concludes, among others.

The Turks, in the context of the consolidation of its Neo-Ottoman plans, consider its presence in NATO as a "burden", and for this reason, regardless of the F-16 case, it will seek in every way its withdrawal from it, and the independent its course having relations with East and West at the same time, or so they think at least.

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