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UN legalizes the occupation in Cyrpus: Guterres is calling "Northern Cyprus" the Occupied territories & "community" the Republic of Cyprus

The UN Secretary General made very clear the plans for the Cyprus issue just hours ago, while the Greek and Cypriot media are ignoring the importance of statements made by Antonio Guterres , as reported by nationalpost.com.cy.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, now calls the occupation regime the "Administration of Northern Cyprus", while the Greek and Cypriot Foreign Ministries seem to ignore the ongoing legalization of the occupation by the UN.

The request of the Security Council explicitly mentioned a bi-zonal bi-communal solution in Cyprus, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a news conference at the UN headquarters on Thursday.

He was answering questions from a Turkish journalist, about when he would convene the 5 + 1 meeting and whether he would insist on a two-zone bi-communal federation solution, or whether he was open to new ideas such as that of the Turkish Cypriot leader who said "we deserve a separate state".

"My intention is to convene at the beginning of March a 5 + 1 meeting, the United Nations with the two communities of Cyprus together with the guaranteeing powers, Greece, Turkey, Britain. We decided the meeting to be informal… There are these changes in the administration of northern Cyprus. It is important that everyone has the opportunity to discuss honestly with each other about how they see the future".

Antonio Guterres noted that he has a mandate from the UN Security Council in relation to the negotiations.

"This mandate explicitly refers to a bi-zonal bi-communal solution. Obviously this is not an obstacle for the meeting of the negotiators we are convening to present their positions. "I am always ready to go to the Security Council and if there is an agreement between the parties expanding the scope of the negotiations, it will be interpreted as a joint agreement," he explained.

The UN Secretary-General noted that the first step is to bring the parties together, to hear them and to see the outcome of the discussion.

"Just because I stand by the mandate I received does not mean that I am not open to listening to everyone, to drawing the conclusions of the debate on the basis of whatever the parties have in common for the future," he added.

In short, the UN legalized the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, after openly calling the Occupied Territories as "Northern Cyprus".

Guterres is no longer talking about the Republic of Cyprus. He reduced it to a community, as Turkey does and as envisaged in a Annan plan. The follow-up will be interesting, as well as how any agreement on the dialogue that the UN wants will be "sold", as Guterres revealed.

Probably some people are planning a similar "solution" for the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean disputes, accepting Turkey's illegal claims and expansionist agenda.

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