Middle East
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Τhe US does not withdraw 900 elite forces from Syria- Unrest in Ankara with elections ahead

The US House of Representatives on Wednesday voted down a resolution calling on the Biden administration to withdraw all US troops from Syria.

"The war powers resolution was introduced by Florida Republican Matt Gaetz and was defeated by a vote of 103-321, with 47 Republicans and 56 Democrats voting in favor.

The war powers bill would give US President Joe Biden the right to withdraw US forces from Syria within 180 days of the resolution's approval.
U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, said: “Now, all of a sudden you have the Kurds declaring war on Syria, and it's a little messy that the Kurds are also in conflict with Turkey, which is our NATO ally. Turkish state news agency reported.

He added that the US got involved in "this mess in Syria" in 2015, and emphasized: "And since we've been there, we've seen Americans die, we've seen tens of billions of dollars wasted."

On the fight against Daesh/ISIS, the US congressman said he would encourage his colleagues to "go read the inspector general's report last quarter, which shows that ISIS is not a threat to the US," also noting that Turkey is conducting operations against Daesh/ISIS in Syria.

"I don't believe that what stands between a caliphate and us is the 900 Americans who have been sent to this hell without a definition of victory, without a clear goal and they exist purely as a remnant of the failed foreign policy of many former presidents," he stressed.

About 900 US troops are currently deployed in Syria, and the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Millay, visited northern Syria this weekend.

According to US media reports, journalists traveling with the US general asked him if he thought the deployment of around 900 US troops to Syria was worth the risk.

The answer from the American head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US forces was "Yes".

The visit of the American General to the region of northeastern Syria greatly disturbed Ankara, which summoned the US ambassador to Turkey, Jeff Flake, to the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Monday for clarification.

Turkey and the Erdogan regime do not want any American presence in Northern Syria, Alexandroupolis, the Aegean, and generally anywhere relatively close to the Turkish border.

The Turkish press has for a long time published scenarios about the "military encirclement" of Turkey by the USA, and in fact reports fears of alleged action by American forces, which is not the case since the target is the war in Syria and the Jihadists in the Middle East.

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