Armed Conflicts
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Massive Russian attack on Ukraine with drones and 16 Tu-95MS with kinzhal missiles annihilated Kiev-Kharkov (Video)

Massive Russian attack on Kiev-Kharkov and other cities by hundreds of Russian drones and dozens of Tu-95MS with kinzhal missiles.

At least 10 civilians were wounded in Kiev after another massive Russian missile attack on 2 January, according to Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko.

At least 10 people are known to have been injured in a building fire in the Solomianskyi district of Kiev, with nine of the 10 in hospital.

Russia carried out another massive attack in Ukraine on the evening of 1 to 2 January in retaliation for the Belgorod attack.

Dozens of Russian 35 drones in the evening and early morning, along with Tu-95MS strategic bombers launched missile attacks. In total, 16 Russian aircraft were flying at the time of the attack.

Falling debris from a Russian kamikaze drone caused a fire in the southern Ukrainian city of Mukolaev, Mayor Alexander Shenkvish reported on January 2.

"Air defense systems were activated," he wrote on social media.

"There is a big fire in the city because of falling UAV debris. More details will follow shortly," the city mayor said.

Russia launched drone strikes in several areas of Ukraine in the first wave of a massive attack.
Subsequently, 16 Tu-95MS strategic bombers fired several missiles, including Kinzhals ballistic missiles, at Ukrainian cities such as Kiev and Kharkiv in the second wave of the attack.

The victims of the Russian attack are constantly increasing

Explosions in Kropunuchi, while casualties are increasing in Kharkiv and Kiev after a massive Russian missile attack on January 2, 2024.

The Ukrainian military command of the city of Kirovoged has not yet commented on the situation.
Ukraine says it shot down 35 Russian Shahed attack drones.

A series of explosions are heard again in Kiev during the massive missile launch by Russia. Fires are reported in several areas, while power and water has been cut off in parts of the city.

A fighter jet accidentally dropped munitions into Russian territory of Voronezh

A fighter aircraft accidentally dropped munitions on the Russian territory of Voronezh. The incident took place in the Ostrogovsky region in Voronezh. "Today, a munitions deposit was recorded in the Ostrogovsky region," said the governor of the region, Alexander Gushev.

"There were no casualties, but earlier damage to seven households was recorded. Glazing, roofs and support structures may be damaged. Information is being clarified. A special team is working on the spot," he said.

Experts believe that this air war between Russia and Ukraine may lead to massive destruction and deaths in the coming period and has turned into a feud between Moscow and Kiev.

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