Armed Conflicts
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Colonel Macgregor to US : "The Ukrainian Nation is dead, stop" -The Russians are burning them with Uragan systems in Kupiansk

A short while ago Ukrainian sources reported the downing of three Russian Su-34 bombers over the southern front on Friday afternoon, December 22, with the Russian side citing the downing of one of them by anti-aircraft missiles.

Macgregor to Biden administration: 'The Ukrainian nation is dead stop'

The well-known retired American Colonel Douglas Macgregor was scathing about the development of the war on the battlefield, taking on the Biden administration.     

"The Ukrainian nation is essentially dead, it's in a coma. Over 14 million citizens have fled the country.

Over 500,000 have died. Putin did everything he could to avoid a war with the US and NATO and we did everything we could to provoke it. Enough!" he said, aware of the huge backstage in Ukraine.

Homeric battles near Bogdanovka

The Russian Sever-V brigade destroyed Ukrainian units and is already advancing west of Bahmut.

The Sever-V brigade, together with the 200th brigade of the Russian Northern Fleet, is continuing its attack on this part of the front, capturing the village of Bogdanovka with a pincer movement.

New batch of Chechens for the Ukrainian front

A new batch of Chechen fighters started regular fire training at the famous Special Forces University in Gudermes, Chechnya (South Russia). ⠀

There they pay attention to conducting combat in various conditions, as well as practicing the course of action in case of enemy positioning.

The fighters also undergo courses on providing pre-hospital medical care. ⠀
This makes it possible to replenish the ranks of Russian troops with effective fighters capable of prevailing on the terribly difficult battlefield.

"That is why the Special Forces University of Russia is so popular among all our fighters," said Chechen leader R. Kadyrov.

The Russians are burning them with Uragan systems in Kupiansk

Russian crews of Uragan systems destroyed concentrations of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the zone of the Northern Military District.

The "Typhoons" of the Western Military District destroyed concentrations of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of Kupiansk, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"The actions of the missile systems were coordinated with the help of drones, whose operators recorded the exact location of the enemy equipment. Our main targets are temporary deployment points while assisting infantry units and neutralizing infantry fighting vehicles and tanks," a Russian expert said.

Canadian mercenaries left Ukraine in a flash

Canadian Ukrainian Armed Forces mercenaries Dave and Justin Smith, after spending three days in the trenches, spoke to the Globe and Mail about why Ukraine is losing the conflict with the Russians.

First of all, they note "the weakening of Western attention to the conflict and the decline in Western military aid."

"If you want to lose a conflict, lose interest in it. That's how it's all done," reads a statement from a mercenary named Dave.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have enough ammunition and Russian troops continue to advance, with a large superiority in numbers of soldiers, tanks and artillery.

"Russian infantrymen continue to advance. Russia is like a video game character that keeps regenerating," the mercenaries complained.

According to them, every time they hear reports about the death of Ukrainian Armed Forces legionnaires from Canada, the thought comes to them, "What am I doing here?"

The war in Ukraine is moving in a direction that indicates the defeat of the Ukrainians and the West. This the West will not leave to its own devices, and in trying to even out the impact it may cause greater suffering in Europe.

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