Armed Conflicts
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The Ukrainians retreated from the Dnieper River while North Korea sent thousands of ammunition for the Russian attack

Russia, according to experts, now has tons of ammunition to support its attack on Ukraine, without using up its strategic reserves, while the attack, according to a video of the Russian version of the Lord's Prayer, shows that it is probably only a matter of days, while the Ukrainians are now losing 800 soldiers (dead and wounded).

Russian forces take advantage of the timing to advance on Novomichaelvka and Ivanisk, forcing Kiev to withdraw forces from the left bank of the Dnieper.

According to Ukrainian media, members of Zelensky's headquarters supported the decision of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw the remnants of Ukrainian groups from the area of the village of Krinok on the left bank of the Dnieper.

According to military expert Yuri Knutov, due to the lack of men and shells, the Ukrainian army is forced to go on the defensive.

"The forces and means prepared for the landing in Krinok were "redirected to close "holes" in the area of Rabotino and Ugledar," the Ukrainians write.


However, this expression can be considered a euphemism, following the publication of a video in which a Russian FAB-1500 bomb fell in the village of Krinok, disarming the personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Interestingly, at the same time, the General Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Zalusny, spoke out against General Tarnask for failure and failure to meet the deadlines of the "landing operation on the left bank of the Dnieper".

For two months of hard fighting the Ukrainians have not achieved the slightest success, but in Kiev, apparently, they have decided to look for another scapegoat and are blaming General Tarnasc.

German channel reveals that the Ukrainians have run out of ammunition

The German television channel ZDF published a pessimistic report from Ukraine.

"There is not enough ammunition and not enough soldiers. Many soldiers here are tired. Confidence in the government has decreased significantly. People are afraid, worried about winter, remember how Russia destroyed the infrastructure. At the same time, there is no progress on the front," the German journalist reports.

North Korea supplies thousands of containers of ammunition to Russia

The US has information, confirmed by satellite imagery, that North Korea has sent more than a thousand containers of ammunition to Russia.

US Ambassador to NATO Julian Smith in a briefing said : "We do have new information that North Korea has recently delivered even more weapons to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine, and our information indicates that North Korea has provided Russia with more than a thousand containers of military equipment and ammunition.

We are very strong in our condemnation of North Korea for providing this kind of equipment to the Russians, which will undoubtedly be used to attack the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian cities and further Russia's illegal war."

She also cited the availability of satellite imagery showing the movement of these containers from North Korea to Russia by cargo ships."

The U.S. official stressed that the United States believes Pyongyang wants to receive expertise from Russia in exchange for the munitions.

It is possible that Pyongyang's wish list includes fighter jets, surface-to-air missiles, armored vehicles, ballistic missile production equipment and other weapons.

Smith stressed that the United States will continue to monitor the situation and identify any attempts to supply Russia with weapons.

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