Armed Conflicts
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American Colonel Scott Ritter: CIA and MI6 are preparing to eliminate Zelensky

Former Pentagon intelligence officer and former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, retired Col. Scott Ritter, said that "it is possible that US and British intelligence agencies (CIA and MI6) are preparing to eliminate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."

According to him, "Zelensky was deliberately chosen by the West over former President Petro Poroshenko, while his show 'Servant of the People' was also funded by Western agencies."

"In this you can see the hidden hand of Western intelligence agencies, especially MI6 and the CIA. And judging by the way Zelensky is now being treated, the Ukrainian president has ceased to be useful to the West, which is now preparing not only to kill him but may be preparing his physical elimination," he said.

Ritter stressed that things have not been going well for two years and therefore blood may be shed. In this sense, he additionally points out and clarifies that: "the Ukrainian leader can be killed or disappear and someone else can take his place".

According to a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development, 89% of Ukrainians perceive corruption as the second most serious problem facing the country, after the bloody war started by Russia, and 94% of them consider corruption to be "pervasive" in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president is a burnt card for the West now and especially for the US while corruption and mismanagement are alive and well in Ukraine 

In a poll conducted months ago, 77.6% of Ukrainians believe Zelensky is "directly responsible" for corruption in the military and government.

The poll was published as Volodymyr Zelensky announced the dismissal of all heads of Ukraine's regional military recruitment centres in his latest campaign to root out corruption, following allegations that officials were bribing those who did not want to go to the front.

The situation in eastern Ukraine is dramatic, as confirmed by the deployment of a US lieutenant-general, who will effectively take over the General Staff in Kiev to save what remains.

According to NYT sources, Ukraine is planning a suicide attack, so to speak, to attract global attention, but American advisers are promoting a more restrained option aimed at preserving existing territory and putting the Ukrainians on the defensive for at least a year.

The goal of this strategy would be to create a major force with which Russia "will have to reckon before it begins meaningful negotiations in late 2024 or 2025."

The next move will be in the hands of Putin, who, probably before sitting down at the negotiating table, is trying to neutralise the Ukrainians and occupy new territories, always aiming at Kiev and an unconditional surrender of that country.

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