Armed Conflicts
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Putin ordered an attack on Ukraine until the presidential election

Members of the elite British Special Forces (SAS) have been in Ukraine since the first days of the conflict, with multiple missions ( intelligence gathering, killing Russian senior officers, hijacking Russian computer systems), but also in the role of trainers.

The actions of the British commandos were declassified and it turned out to be a savage unknown war between the British and the Russians on the battlefield.

Russian sources speak of a battlefield that became a mass grave for the British.

A Pole named Zbigniew Parafianovich in his book Poland at War, spoke in great detail about the participation of British special forces in hostilities against the Russians in the battle zone in Ukraine.

It is clear that the British played a leading role in this military confrontation. However, it is rare to hear from Western experts.


After all, in Britain itself, the Polish revelations became the cause of a scandal.
After all, they appeared, among other things, at the same time as the investigation into British crimes in Afghanistan was flourishing.

What the Polish expert said:

Parafjanowicz quotes an anonymous Polish minister who was personally in Kiev in March-April 2022 and spoke of a Russian war incident with British commandos.

This was the time when the Russians were in Butchia and the area was a "grey zone".

"We passed the last checkpoint. We were told that we were continuing our journey at our own risk. So who did we meet next?

British special forces in uniform and with guns. They were travelling with the Ukrainians in trucks and SUVs along with artillery radar.

Apparently, they were part of sabotage groups, which in trucks with " mortars" and combat equipment were moving along the Russian rear and carried out sabotage and targeted Russian Armed Forces artillery and Russian paratrooper positions," the Polish expert writes.

"The role of the special forces and trainers from Britain in the military conflict on the territory of Ukraine is much broader than the Polish journalist emphasizes.

The British were involved in Ukrainian "territorial resistance" units in Ukraine with special operations, Marine and Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine training missions, in cooperation with trained officials of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine," a Russian expert says.

"At the 73rd Naval Special Operations Center of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Osakov and Odessa, at the base of the military diving school, the British organized the training of sabotage teams for operations in Crimea and in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas," military correspondent Alexander Kots reports.

Already in July, British special forces were preparing submarine commandos to take over Snake Island.
According to the British newspaper The Sun, British security forces trained Ukrainians to use underwater vehicles to avoid the presence of mines during their mission.

Putin ordered victories until the presidential elections in Russia

Meanwhile, serious news is reported on Ukrainian web pages, by American analysts: "Putin gave a secret order to Russian troops".

"Russian troops received orders to take over Avtnika and Kupiansk before the presidential elections in Russia. This would strengthen Putin's position."

Panic was caused among the Ukrainian public and media after researchers from the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) analysed the situation on the front: The Kremlin may have ordered the Russian military to occupy Avdiika and Kupiansk before the March 2024 elections, but this show of support for Putin's candidacy may be intended as an insurance policy in case the Russian military does not meet this deadline.

The same American analysts reported that "Russian troops conducted offensive operations on the Kupiansk-Sviatovo-Kremenaya line, in the Bakhmut region, in the Avtnika region, west and southwest of Donetsk, in the Zaporizhzhya region, and in the western part of the Donetsk region."

At the same time, the percentage of Ukrainian citizens who have already agreed to territorial concessions to Moscow in exchange for peace has doubled in the last seven months, a new poll says.

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