Armed Conflicts
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The Russians have divided the front into 4 points and intend to have Christmas in Kiev

The Ukrainians no longer even have time to retreat as the Russian forces carry out 100 attacks in one day across the entire width of the front, finding "holes" in four points.  

Russian troops continue to advance in the directions of Kupiansk, Port and Bakhmut.
This was stated by the commander of the ground forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Alexander Sursku, accepting the coming catastrophe.

In order to exclude Kupiansk, the Russians are trying to capture Sinovka, while they are advancing towards Novoselsk, Stelmakhova, Port Pervi and Seversk.

In the direction of Port, the Russian Armed Forces are trying to drive the Ukrainian Armed Forces across the Cherny Zerebets River and through the Sherebriyansk forest area.


They carry out attacks in the direction of the Zitlovka and Ternof areas.Near Bakhmut (Artemovsk) attacks are carried out in the north and west of the city.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in its latest report said that just yesterday 82 attacks were recorded in all directions - Zaporozhye, Ugledar, Donetsk, Artiomovsky, Kupiansky and Limansky.

On the northern side of Bakhmut, the Russian army continues its offensive.

The independent Russian 200th Guards Brigade is leading the attack on Bogadnivka, and Russian fighters are moving into the village laterally and destroying Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters stationed there with MLRS fire and drones.

Video shows a powerful artillery barrage and targeted destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"On the northern side of the Bakhmut direction, Russian troops advanced east of Bogadnovka and north of Hromovo in an area up to 2.91 km wide and up to 840 m deep," Ukrainian military analysts admitted late in the evening, and the advance continues.


Everything indicates that the Russians (as they themselves claim) intend to have Christmas in Kiev, having inflicted a huge defeat on Ukraine.
We reported this morning that finding the vulnerable point would enable thousands of men, together with tanks, to advance several tens of kilometres to the rear with the aim of surrendering to the Ukrainians.

The British newspaper Times published an article about the 47th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which is fortified in Avdiika.

Already the West is publicly stating that the city is surrounded.

The fall of the city will be a total disaster for the Ukrainian front, because after that, the Russian army will be free to move towards Dnepropetrovsk and even Kiev.

The Russians do not celebrate holidays and Russia's winter offensive gains began to materialize overnight.
Today Putin was at a ceremony to inaugurate two new nuclear-powered submarines, which will begin patrols in the Pacific Ocean.

Putin arrived in the northern city of Severodvinsk to inaugurate the submarines Krasnoyarsk and Emperor Alexander the Third.



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