Armed Conflicts
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Happy Holidays from Putin - Russians are advancing west of Bakhmut and Ivanovsk while the 47th Ukrainian Brigade is surrounded in Avdiika

According to the Greek press, the Russian-Ukrainian war is showing signs of fatigue on both warring sides, involving the deaths of thousands of soldiers, weapons and ammunition, and in short, both sides have stopped because of exhaustion and Christmas holidays.

This is, of course, a shallow journalistic analysis, which has nothing to do with the savage war in Eastern Ukraine, in which the Russians, having exterminated thousands of Ukrainians since the summer from a defensive position, who ran out of ammunition, have now launched a ground offensive, advancing on all fronts, with the main objective of seeking a 'vulnerable point' to advance towards Kiev.

Finding the vulnerable point will enable thousands of men, together with tanks, to march several tens of kilometres to the front, with the aim of surrendering to the Ukrainians.

What is really happening today 11 Dec 2023 at the front    

The Russians are advancing west of Bahmut in several places at once, while Russian infantry groups and equipment have already consolidated east of Bohdanivka, indicating the Russian advance.

Ukrainian media report that " unfortunately, successful enemy attacks were recorded at the height near Khromovoi.

In the footage distributed by the Russians, we see the disembarkation and the clearing of the Ukrainian forces.
In addition, in Kachapnya which is an area between Bakhmut and Ivanovsk, further Russian progress continued.The main impact will probably be on the road from Bakhmut to Chasov Yar.


The British newspaper Times published an article about the 47th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which is fortified in Avdiika.

Already the West is publicly stating that the city is surrounded.

The fall of the city will be a total disaster for the Ukrainian front, because after that, the Russian army will be free to move towards Dnepropetrovsk and even Kiev.

"In the summer we had 10 times more ammunition and better quality. American shells are delivered in batches of almost the same weight, which makes it easier to adjust fire and reduces the number of unexploded shells.

Now we have shells from all over the world of varying quality and in three days we receive only 15 pieces. Last week we received a shipment full of useless ammunition," an official from the Ukrainian military said.

The Russians are not celebrating and Russia's winter offensive gains have begun to materialize

During the day it was announced the final confirmation of Russian control of Marinka, as well as the entry of Russian troops and tanks into Novomikhailvka and Bohdanivka.

Also, the Russians are advancing into the eastern part of Avtnika.

The Ukrainian General Staff reports the army is switching to defense; it remains to be seen whether the Ukrainians can mount a successful defense or will they have to shorten the front line and withdraw from large parts of the territory?

At this rate, the Russian winter offensive will occupy the entire Dnieper River.

Zelensky will leave power

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service announced that the West wants to replace Zelensky.
The names of Zaluzny, Budanov, Ermak, Arestovich and Klitschko are mentioned among the possible successors.

The West believes that Zelensky has been "burned", and if necessary, he will not be able to become part of the negotiations with Russia to "freeze" the conflict.

Senator: "If we lose in Ukraine, the Russians will go into Kiev and the Chinese will storm Taiwan. Also, a US senator said yesterday that "America is in danger" and therefore money should be made available for the war with Russia in Ukraine."

US Senator Chris Murphy is demanding immediate money for Zelensky: "What I know is that the future of the world is at stake. If we fail, and if the Republicans don't get their act together, then in the next 24-48 hours Russia will march on Kiev.

China will get the green light to invade Taiwan. The world for my children will be fundamentally different. In this scenario, America is at risk. So I'm beside myself. Republicans are playing games with global security," he said.

Ukrainians and Europeans ran out of ammunition

Ukrainian army soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front warn in their statements to EFE of Russian quantitative superiority in men, weapons and ammunition and demand more military hardware and technology from Kiev's Western allies in order to continue to have options for winning the war.

"The enemy is bigger, there are more of us and to win we need to use technology better and prevail in the intellectual struggle," explains a young veteran of the war against pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine (2014-2022) who returned home from Ireland to re-enlist in the army after the large-scale Russian invasion.

Russia will sweep everything and march on Kiev threatening Eastern Europe and NATO, that's the only certainty after what happened in Ukraine, which was planned to be a base against Russia.

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