Armed Conflicts
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Turks fear construction of Solomon's Temple - Yeni Safak is asking Muslims to destroy the "Israeli virus"

The largest Turkish Islamist government newspaper, Yeni Safak, literally calls (the Israelis) a virus that must be eradicated from the world, implying of course the Muslim world.

"They are killing based on a perverted belief of three thousand years, the world must eradicate this ( Israeli) virus," says the author of the article.

The world must destroy this virus:

"There is a prophecy of Zionism in the twisted background of Israel's massacres in Gaza.
Zionist members said that the Gaza attacks were a 'sacred event'.

Israeli soldiers do not feel the need to hide that they are carrying out the massacres based on perverted religious beliefs dating back 3,000 years.


Israeli soldiers entering Gaza carry the "Temple of Solomon" emblem on their uniforms.
Soldiers write that they will build the "Temple" on Palestinian homes, which they believe were destroyed thousands of years ago.

An Israeli soldier posed with a drawing of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the wall of a house in Gaza, writing "Soon we will build our temple (Solomon's Temple).

It was revealed that the soldiers of the Israeli occupation force, which committed genocide by killing more than 17 thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children, in Gaza for two months, acted according to completely falsified Jewish religious teachings.

It appeared in social media messages that military symbols referring to the so-called Temple of Solomon were used on the uniforms and hands of soldiers who were behaving fully under the influence of Zionist ideology.

In one post, soldiers posing with the words "Soon we will build our (Solomon's) Temple" on a picture of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the wall of a house in Gaza revealed the real motive behind the massacres.

Ένας άλλος στρατιώτης εθεάθη να ποζάρει σε έναν τοίχο με μια φωτογραφία του Θόλου του Βράχου, γράφοντας «Σύντομα θα ιδρύσουμε τον ναό μας (Σολομώντα).

The "prophecies" become reality The prophecy of Zionism is in the twisted background of the massacres in Gaza.

Ezra Yassin, a former member of the far-right Zionist organization known as Lehi, called for genocide by the soldiers who went to occupy Gaza and said the Gaza attacks were a "sacred event."

His organization openly supports the construction of Solomon's Temple for the third time since the destruction of Al-Aqsa.

He , a religious fanatic who wanted to participate in the genocide in Gaza despite being 95 years old, referred to the destruction of the Mosque, saying that "all the prophecies sent by the Prophets are going to be fulfilled," the newspaper reported.

She considers that "the Zionists, fed by a radical ideology, are trying to turn the region into ruins, increasing day by day the risk of a widespread war in the Middle East.
There are voices from many different parts of the world that the radical government of Israel, which is becoming increasingly reckless with the support it is receiving from the US and Europe, must be stopped."

Today, part of the site of the destroyed Jewish temple is occupied by the Kubbat al-Sahra mosque. Existing plans for the restoration of the Judean Temple provide for two options, according to analysts: either destroy the Kubbat al-Sahra or preserve its integrity.

In either case, however, the Muslim world will be against such an option. At this point Israel can exploit the arguments expressed by Erdogan about domestic sovereignty and the freedom to "do what we want". To some this may seem incredible, but is it?

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