Armed Conflicts
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Israeli Air Force destroyed Houthi rebel missile bases in Yemen for the first time

The breaking of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip this morning not only marked the start of Israel's military operations against Hamas, but also the launch of an air strike for the first time against Yemen's pro-Iranian Houthi rebels, who have declared war on Israel, firing missiles and drones against it in the past period.

Today, for the first time in the history of the Israeli Air Force, its fighter jets carried out an airstrike on an ammunition depot of Iran's Houthi terrorists in Yemen. The IAF's F-15I Raam fighter jets destroyed several ballistic missiles of the terrorists there.




We had predicted in an earlier article the attack by the Israeli Air Force against the Houthis, since the recent attacks by Hezbollah and the Houthis against Israel have provoked the anger of Tel Aviv, with the Commander of the Israeli Air Force, Lieutenant General Tomer Bar stating that they have created a number of plans to attack enemy nations and groups across the Middle East, including an entire air operation against the Houthis in Yemen.


"As the strategic arm of the State of Israel, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) is ready and operates throughout the Middle East, in all areas where necessary," said Rear Admiral Tomer before an F-15I of 133 Squadron, a Tel Nof-based unit that participated in the 1981 strike against the Osirak nuclear site in Iraq in Operation Opera. 

What's next

The Israeli attack on the Houthis has multiple recipients, first of all Hezbollah and Iran and then the international community, a sign that Israel will punish those involved in its war with Hamas, regardless of the distance, as it has done in the past by bombing a nuclear reactor in Iraq and by releasing Israeli hostages in Edembe, Uganda.

This development is expected to further complicate the situation, since action brings reaction, leading the Houthis to respond to the Israeli offensive, while it is possible that Iran will push Hezbollah's pawn to intensify its action against Israel, even hitting its strategic targets, pushing the situation into ground operations with the Israeli army. 

Finally, by attacking the Houthis and its aftermath, Netanyahu is attempting to escape the pressures of the United States, which wants a halt to military operations in the Gaza Strip







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