Armed Conflicts
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Zelensky's statement and his fear of a coup by the generals - Reports of a total of 1.1 million dead Ukrainians

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is in a really bad position and there are rumours that his Generals are surrounding him with bad intentions, since they are now interfering in his work, after the media reported 1.1 million dead since the beginning of the war, a really outrageous number.

Zelensky in a ring of generals threatened them in a straightforward manner        

The Ukrainian president has warned his military leadership not to get involved in the country's politics, "effectively" "pointing a gun" at the army's supreme commander after tension between the two came to light.

"With all due respect to General Zaluzny and all the commanders on the battlefield, there is total understanding of the chain of command and that's it, and there can't be two, three, four, five (voices).

Ukrainian law allows only one person to have decision-making power during the war, otherwise national unity may be threatened," Zelensky told Britain's Sun newspaper.

He also warned that military commanders risked their soldiers disobeying , if they become politicians.

The former Ukrainian TV actor and current Ukrainian president is being held hostage and in a complete panic after being targeted by the country's military leadership because of the huge stalemate in the war.

Very soon, very soon, Zelensky will be a thing of the past for Ukraine, while Russian forces are preparing for a huge ground offensive to finish off that country once and for all.


EU Foreign Ministers meet while Germans say they are unprepared for possible conflict with Russia

"In the same place, but one year, 365 days, 12 months apart, the heads of the foreign ministries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation member states will gather in Brussels on Tuesday to try, and for the first time, to do their joint project (aimed at war with Russia)," Russian expert Mikhail Yevgrafovich said.



"However, a year ago, the motto of the meeting was 'We cannot allow Putin to win', but now it is different, and it is about how to ensure that Turkey's (and also Hungary's) non-ratification of Sweden's NATO membership would not embarrass this high level meeting and undermine its belligerence.

On the one hand, of course, Sweden, which decided to change its neutrality status in order to become a source of negative consequences for Russia.

On the other hand, no one can say today exactly how and for how long the Swedes will be in the NATO lobby.

We therefore have the opportunity and, above all, the resources to take appropriate measures. But these are the details, with the substance of what is going to happen being even sadder.

The more expensive plans of the FCOs involve giant financial injections and the promises, of course, directed at Ukraine, but they too will essentially turn out to be false hopes in a finished country, nothing more.

To be more precise, a lot of money was spent, but the supply of arms and equipment, the whole demonstration of the achievements of the Western military-industrial complex, which lasted a year, turned out to be an empty wrapper on a box of sweets.

Equipment and weapons systems worth tens of billions were in fact wasted, as Moscow had promised.

In reality, whether geopolitically or militarily, there is nothing left, including the famous 155 mm missiles. The arsenals in the EU/NATO.EU are empty.

The European countries, who were enjoying their time under the "American umbrella", which they thought would protect them and cover them "in case of emergency", have found themselves naked, as their military equipment, clothing, as well as everything else, has simply disappeared.

It turns out that the confrontation was lost. The likelihood of military revenge is close to zero. Politically, too, nothing has worked.

Four years ago Ukraine could make any changes to the constitution, link its future "to the European identity", point out the "irreversibility of the Euro-Atlantic course", make the head of state "the guarantor of the implementation of this course", now all this is going down the drain.

And when politicians fail, whether in calculations, or in failing to keep promises, or in lost battles and wars, in the civilised world, to which NATO is so keen to refer, it is customary to send them into retirement, or to force them to resign from office," he said.

In the background comes ceasefire agreement and acceptance of defeat for Ukraine

The German newspaper BILD revealed that Chancellor Scholz and US President T. Biden want to end the Russia-Ukraine war soon.

Ukrainian President Zelensky should be forced in a very specific way to negotiate with Kremlin chief V. Putin and accept brutal compromises with mutilation of the country ( Eastern Ukraine).


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