Armed Conflicts
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The Russians are counterattacking - With thermobaric missiles they repelled Ukrainians from Verbovoe - Tough battles for the fortress of Avdeevka (Video)

Russian troops have staged a successful counterattack near the village of Verbovoe in the Zaporozhye region, Vladimir Rogov, head of the Zaporozhye public movement "We are with Russia", told RIA Novosti.


"Ukrainian fighters tried to advance in the direction of Verbovoe and Novoprokopovka, but were pushed back. Moreover, in the Verbovoe region, our guys also launched a counterattack, attacking enemy positions with Solntsepeks and capturing several enemy strongholds," Rogov said.

In addition, according to him, Russian troops also counterattacked in the area of Priyutnoe and Poltavka villages in the direction of Vrmef.

Earlier on Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry said that units of the Novorossiysk mountain airborne attack unit, as part of the crews of the TOS-1A Solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems, are providing support during active defense to airborne attack units in the Zaporozhye direction in the Verbovoe region.

The TOS-1A "Solntsepek" is a flamethrower system in a tank chassis. It uses 220 mm unguided rockets with thermogravimetric warheads to destroy enemy personnel, military equipment and fortifications by volumetric explosion. The launcher can accommodate up to 24 missiles, capable of covering an area of up to 40 thousand square meters. A full homobombardment lasts 6 seconds. Range of fire - from 400 to 6,000 meters. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, these vehicles are in service with units of the radiobiological-chemical warfare troops.

Fierce fighting is taking place in the Avdeevka region of the Donetsk People's Republic, where the Russian army has recently advanced in several directions.

Russian forces launched offensive operations northwest, north, south and southwest of Avdeevka on 10 October. In the first days of the attacks they crossed the railway north of the city and reached the village of Berdichi. However, after three days of fighting in the area the Russian army failed to gain a foothold in the area and retreated. Fighting is currently continuing along the railway road near Petrovskoe.

Another strategic stronghold is located near the railway on the northern outskirts of Avdeevka. It is the ash dump of the local coal and chemical plant. The Russian army took control of the hills in the area in the first days of the attacks, but the AFU did not stop its counter-attack efforts. On October 22, reports from the front once again confirmed Russian control of this stronghold, which allowed them to intensify artillery fire against the Ukrainian army hiding in the large industrial plant.


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