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The Turks dream of the conqueror of Jerusalem Saladin-Provocative photo of Turkish soldiers in front of Al-Aqsa

The conquest of Jerusalem as a national dream is promoted by the Erdoğan regime through social networks, wanting in fact to step on the city and Gaza, Turkish soldiers as a peacekeeping force, restoring the system of guarantees of Cyprus, according to the front page of the newspaper .tr.

This is a decision made by Ankara to have a say in what is happening in Israel in any way or means.


Turkey theorists say the US and Israel's goal is to create a so-called "Kurdish corridor" allowing the new state of Kurdistan access to the sea so it can survive.

They also say that the US and Israel first tried through northern Syria to give the Kurds access to the Mediterranean Sea, but were stopped by Turkey. Now they say this "corridor" is being tested again through the US Al-Tanf base in Syria along the Iraqi and Jordanian borders. They say the aim is to connect Deir ez Zur across the Euphrates valley, the Al Tanf base and the Golan Heights to connect Kurdistan to Israel and exit to the sea.

At the same time, a "fabricated" photo of Turkish Soldiers in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is circulating on Turkish social networks, showing the intentions of the Turks.

The Vice President of the Homeland Party and a faculty member of the Department of Economics at Bilkent University, Professor Semih Koray, commented on the developments: "it is not a solution to be content with condemning the atrocities committed by Israel against Palestine together with America.

The only way to stop Israeli-American aggression against Palestine is to create an effective military force against this aggression in our region and the world.

It is necessary to make the problem unsustainable. Turning the Palestinian question into a turning point for overcoming the ugly fate of the oppressed world today will be possible by defeating imperialism and Zionism, not by appeasing them.

This result can only be achieved by creating an effective force in the political, economic and military fields against the Zionist offensive supported by the imperialist West.

This also creates an important opportunity to show that the world really is bigger than five countries."

Koray argued that a Turkey in full control of NATO and US bases would contribute the most to the Palestinian cause.

"Today, first of all, a Turkey that puts NATO and US bases in our country under the full control of the Turkish Armed Forces, joins hands with Syria, Iran and Russia, takes a stand against the Ukrainian government, which is an outpost of the US and NATO, rejects Sweden's NATO membership.

In this way, it makes the greatest contribution to the Palestinian cause by changing all the balances in the world.

Such a Turkey instills courage and confidence in the whole world against imperialism and Zionism. It paves the way to really show that the world really is bigger than five countries.

Therefore, what is up to the AKP government is to abandon the policy of balance, which is based on trying to compromise with the US, for the sake of our own security, the security of the region and the world," he stressed.

The other Turkish expert and professor Baris Antibeli emphasized the dilemmas that exist for both Turkey and NATO ending in a Kurdish state.
Explaining that the developments in Palestine mean the opening of a new front in the Eastern Mediterranean, he stated that "the goal of the US and Israel is the establishment of the so-called Kurdistan.

Turkey separately assesses the issue of Palestine and the issue of Sweden's accession to NATO. Official policies are already clear on two issues. But both NATO and Turkey have their own dilemmas. Israel compared the move by Hamas to the events of 9/11 in the US.

He brought the issue to the point of condemning and combating international terrorism. This is where NATO comes into play. Because the US habit is to rely on NATO in such situations, as in Afghanistan.

In other words, the march on Palestine continues under the auspices of NATO, with a war against Hamas and Hezbollah.

This is also reflected in the Syrian field, since NATO intends to settle in Syria as well. This will result in US proxies in Syria taking the field against Hamas and Hezbollah.

So the next thing will be the involvement of the YPG/PKK Kurds.

I think these developments are directly related to the Eastern Mediterranean. I would like to note that there is a tension between the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean.

It is now seen that a front has opened up in the Eastern Mediterranean through Gaza. And in my opinion, this work will end on Syrian soil.

There we will have the elimination of the regime in Syria, the removal of Russia, and the establishment of a terrorist state (Kurdistan) that will protect Israel. The next stage of this terrorist state is to join this structure in northern Iraq.

I think that's the strategy. In this regard, Turkey is at a crossroads. Maybe it will stay in the background like it did with Ukraine.

In other words, what is said in America "Turkey to withdraw from NATO", actually confirms this scenario.

"As for NATO, it will not leave Turkey even if it says 'I'm leaving.' He can't leave us. Because the world has changed now. There is a multipolar order and Turkey is the heart of Eurasian geography.

Turkey's existence is not a choice, but a geopolitical necessity, and NATO needs Turkey now more than ever in its history. If the Middle East is to be transformed, it needs Turkey. "You can't do anything without convincing Turkey," he concluded.

In one thing both Turkish advisers and professors are absolutely right, the world is changing rapidly, Kurdistan as a state is emerging due to developments, and Turkey is completely losing its role.

The work of Turkey will be done by the future Kurdish state, while all pipelines will pass through Greece, which is the outpost of the West. The future of the neighboring country is uncertain and carries many risks that even reach a conflict with NATO.

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