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The Ukrainians bombed the Russian command post of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol - Ambulances rush to the centre of the attack (Pictures & Videos)

In a last-minute breaking news story, we are informed that a Ukrainian missile strike has hit the Black Sea Fleet Command of the Russian Navy in Crimea.

More specifically, and according to local media reports literally minutes earlier, a Ukrainian missile attack hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean peninsula.

The incident was reported by the authorities stationed by Russian Federation in Crimea.

Local residents and media report that loud explosions were heard in the town of Sevastopol, a town that hosts the naval base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and has been targeted several times by Ukrainian missiles. 

A fragment of a Ukrainian missile landed near the Lunacharsky Theater described by sources, however the missile appears to have been destroyed seconds before Russian air defense systems in the area.

Local news sites report that a whole "hole" was created in the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters after the enemy missile strike. According to the reports, the shockwave was "outrageous".

Above the Russian command post, a cloud of smoke can be seen rising several meters high, further evidence of the powerful explosion that took place minutes earlier.

Russian media published a video just in front of the Russian Navy building shortly after the Ukrainian gun action.

At least one Ukrainian missile hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, local governor Mikhail Raznozayev announced on Telegram. "The enemy carried out a missile attack on the fleet headquarters," Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Raznozayev wrote on Telegram, specifying that the account of possible casualties is being compiled and that the debris fell near an adjacent resort. Raznozayev said a second strike was possible and urged residents to avoid the city centre where the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet is located.

We must remember that the large-scale Russo-Ukrainian war is now in its 576th day and, as you can see, the situation has escalated more than ever. This latest blow is one of the most significant against Russian Crimea since the beginning of the war until today.


Shortly after the initial broadcast of the news, media outlets published photographs from farther away, showing the destruction caused by the Ukrainian bombing. The debris of Ukrainian weapons is said to have been scattered over a radius of hundreds of metres.

According to Russian media from the area, several ambulances were rushed to the site of the Russian command post while the city authorities stopped traffic in the city centre. At the same time, air raid sirens sounded.

New photographs also show the damage to the Russian building, which is said to have been hit by a Ukrainian missile that managed to penetrate the air defence shield of the Russian systems.


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