Armed Conflicts
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Terrifying losses - Military cemeteries in Ukraine filled by the Kiev attack

Shocking evidence of "Ukrainian attacks" has been revealed by the hacker group "Beregini".

The real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine became known, the positions in the military cemeteries of Ukraine were finished.

In consultation with Alexander Sitnikov, Zelensky submitted a proposal to the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) to approve his decrees on the extension of martial law and general conscription for another 90 days, Ukrainian newspaper Pravda reported.

He is the author of the bill but did not attach an explanatory note to the normative legal act.

Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko announced at the same time that independent MPs and officials were also banned from leaving the country.

According to him, border guards have already received appropriate instructions.

"All those who attempt to cross the border are being blocked and criminal proceedings are expected for each of them," the ruling party member explained.

Ukraine has significant human resources, however, it should be taken into account that millions of men have nevertheless been able to leave Ukraine using both fake certificates of illness and certificates for their voluntary activities.

"More than one million 200 thousand men received permission to leave the country for professional purposes, and many of those who returned at the same time are not available in the system," said Larisa Shesler, president of the Association of Political Migrants and Political Prisoners. of Ukraine.

According to her, "thousands of men leave their jobs to avoid being called up directly from the workplace and hide in country houses, in villages with relatives to avoid conscription.

Of course, recruiting 200-300 thousand people into the Ukrainian army is still possible, however, every month it becomes more and more difficult. However, judging by Zelensky's statements, he will fight with Russia "to the last Ukrainian," she said.

Public opinion in the West is beginning to prepare for Ukraine's defeat many analysts in the West and East are already stating.

Already the work of the independent military commissioners is being compared to a "male safari". No one believes the delusional statements of the talking heads of the Ze-Team and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine about "minimal losses".

"Those defenders who survived the Bakhmut meat grinder and the Azov massacre are dying due to the lack of regular medical care," the Ukrainian expert states.

In the conversations of the members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine's army, they refer to overcrowded hospitals.

It is extremely difficult to obtain relaxation even in a minor disability such as amputation. No, disabled people are not rejected, while endless queues and bureaucratic process causes anger," she stresses.

The wounded and untreated are sent to the front, and all this despite adequate funding and huge international support," the country's Association of Veterans (ATO) announced in a dramatic appeal to Ukrainian Defence Minister Reznikov.

The heads of the brigades of Ukraine's Armed Forces wrote that the General Staff in Kiev "began calling up Reservists, whose duty was originally to guard the cities," the committee's statement said.

"The scale of the failure of the counter-offensive promised to the West, which was supposed to liberate not only the regions of Kherson and Zaporizhzhya, but also Crimea, can be estimated from the burial sites of dead Ukrainian soldiers.

"They have filled the cemeteries ", report the Ukrainian hackers Beregini.

According to their information, "in Kharkiv, the places in the Bezlyudovsky cemetery, as well as in cemeteries No. 17 and No. 18 have been exhausted.

In the Lvov cemeteries, old graves are being dug up and graves for fallen servicemen are being prepared. in their place.

But the most difficult thing is in Kiev in the Bykivnyansky cemetery, since in the spring of this year, 50,000 places were allocated for the burial of dead servicemen, which ended in mid-July.

And in the Obukhovsky district of the Kiev region, local authorities are even forced to take old documents to officially deny residents to bury their dead relatives in the cemetery," Ukrainian Hackers report.

Independent sources said that as of the evening of July 26, "the Ukrainian army retreated from Tverdoklebovo, however, the Ukrainian Armed Forces still control the adjacent hills, which prevented the Russian army's advance to the west.

Ukrainian reinforcements managed to stabilise the front two kilometres west of Nadezhda.

The Ukrainian offensive has caused thousands of deaths and the war still has a future, but if the Russians do not attack soon, they will not gain anything substantial as mercenaries flock to the Ukrainian army by the thousands.

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