Armed Conflicts
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The Ukrainian ports are destroyed - The Russian attacks are continuous - Fierce battles on Bakhmut and Zaporozhie fronts (Video)

Kiev continues its efforts to take revenge on Russia for the ongoing reprisals in Ukrainian ports, while the Ukrainian army's futile attempts to advance to the front lines only lead to increasing casualties.

Russian troops continue to expand their control zone near Kupyansk. In the last few days they took control of several more fortresses in the Masyutovka and Sinkovka regions.

The Russian army is also advancing into the Svyatovo region in order to create a buffer zone and secure the Lugansk urban complex. Russian units have already crossed the Zerebets River and taken strategic heights on the west bank under their control, creating a bridgehead up to 7 kilometers deep in the Ukrainian defenses.

In turn, the Ukrainian army cannot boast of victories, despite the ongoing bloody attacks in various directions.

In the Bakhmut region, Russian forces continue to repel Ukrainian attacks near Berkhovka and prevent Ukrainian forces from gaining footholds on the heights in the Klestshevka region.

In the Zaporozhye region, the Ukrainian administration continues to throw troops into attacks in Rabotino, where fighting is still ongoing a few kilometers from the village. Battles at the front are accompanied by mutual strikes in strategic areas in the rear.

Last night, explosions rang out in the Sumi region, but the main targets were again the ports in the Odesa region. Previous attacks hit seaports. However, facilities on the banks of the Danube were destroyed last night, preventing Kiev from using the rivers to bypass the stalled grain deal.

The Ukrainian military has officially confirmed damage to the infrastructure of one of the Ukrainian ports on the Danube. Meanwhile, local sources confirmed explosions in two cities, Izmail and Reni, where cargo storage tanks and other facilities were reportedly destroyed.

The day before, Zelensky vowed to take revenge on Russia for the ongoing destruction of Ukrainian ports. On the night of July 24, two Ukrainian drones were destroyed by electronic warfare over Moscow. They probably targeted the Russian Ministry of Defense building, but ultimately damaged only two non-residential buildings.

At the same time, 17 drones targeted the Crimean peninsula. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, fourteen Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed by means of electronic warfare, of which three fell on the territory of the peninsula. Three more UAVs were destroyed by air defenses. However, as a result of the attack, an ammunition depot was hit in the Djankoi area.

Attacks in Crimea may have at least some military results, drone strikes on Moscow however do nothing for Kiev militarily, only provoking more Russian retaliation. The Kiev regime is trying in every way to create a winning image in the media, making the life of the Ukrainian people much worse.


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