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China feeds Putin's entire 'ceramic' army - Giant equipment transfers from Beijing! The EU cannot react!

A growing body of evidence suggests that Beijing, despite its efforts to promote peace in Ukraine, is sending Russia plenty of "non-lethal" equipment that can be used for military purposes.

It is expected that due to its large quantity, this equipment will have a major impact on the 17-month war.


Europe Can Do Nothing

In addition to bulletproof vests and helmets, Russia has also bought drones from China, which can be used to spot Ukrainian artillery, correct Russian artillery fire, or lob grenades at enemy soldiers.

These massive deliveries prove a huge gap in the West's efforts to prevent fueling the Russian war machine.

And Kiev is a customer of similar deliveries from China, but recent data indicate that all and less equipment is arriving in Ukraine. Russia imported more than $100 million worth of drones from China, an amount 30 times greater than Ukraine's purchases.

Chinese exports of ceramics (materials used in bulletproof vests) to Russia increased by 69% ($225 million), while corresponding deliveries to Ukraine saw a 61% drop ($5 million).

"What we see clearly is that China, despite its reported efforts to be a neutral actor, is actually supporting Russian positions in the war," said Elena Legarda, an analyst specializing in China's foreign and defense policy at the Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies. Studies in Berlin.

If China were to cross a red line and sell arms to Russia, Legarda said she would expect the E.U. to apply additional sanctions aimed at hurting Putin's war.

However, the West will not sanction the supply of equipment such as ceramics for bulletproof vests, night vision devices or even commercial drones that can be used on the front lines of battles.

The Example of the Russian Pozitron


Pozitron, one of several Russian companies that have bought equipment that can be used for civilian and military purposes, has imported $60 million worth of helmets and other materials, saying they will be used in paintball competitions. Experts say this is a well-known trick used by Russian companies to buy equipment for the battlefield without announcing it publicly.

From revenues of 31 million rubles (about $400,000) in 2021, Pozitron recorded contributions of 20 billion (nearly $300 million) a year later, proving that the war was a very good investment for the Russian company.

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