Armed Conflicts
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Powerful Ukrainian attack on Bakhmut repelled by the 200th Russian Brigade-US demands tangible results from Ukrainians

The Ukrainians launched a serious attack on the Bahmud flanks after the U.S. scowl, but the 200th Russian Guard infantry brigade intercepted the attackers and their armored vehicles, Russian sources said.

Στο πλαίσιο της αντεπίθεσης των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων της Ουκρανίας, οι σφοδρές μάχες στη βόρεια πλευρά του Μπαχμούτ δεν έχουν σταματήσει εδώ και πολύ καιρό.

"The Ukrainians are trying every day to break through the defences of the Russian troops without success. Thus, another attack group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has moved to the line of attack in the area of the Berkovksy tank, as attacks by dozens of Russian drones rage.

They were met by the independent mechanized infantry brigade of the Northern Fleet Guard infantry brigade with artillery fire and as a result, personnel and TOMAs were destroyed with anti-tank missiles," this was reported by a Russian source on the battlefield," the source stressed.

But what really happens will be seen in the next few hours, which are the most critical, as Russians and Ukrainians are giving their all to achieve their respective goals.

But what we have seen so far are moves by Ukrainian forces on dozens of Russian minefields, while Russian artillery and Lancet drones are attacking incessantly.

The main objective of the Russians is to destroy material and personnel in as large numbers as possible, while the main objective of the Ukrainians is to advance deeper into the occupied territories than the Russians.


The Commander of the so-called Russian Volunteer Force [RDK] Dennis Nikitin (fighting Putin) was present at the POW exchange, where every Russian soldier was offered the option of joining the Russian RDK force.

Among them was Vladislav Ismailov who refused to return to Russia and expressed his desire to join the ranks of the RDK.

The American side very categorically demands from Ukraine immediate and serious results in the course of the counter-offensive. Despite previous commitments by the United States to provide assistance to Kiev for as long as needed, the West has recently shown signs of fatigue from continued military support to Ukraine.

Demands for concrete results on the battlefield are becoming increasingly insistent.

Moreover, in connection with the upcoming US elections, the volume of military aid to Ukraine may be significantly reduced, Russian media stresses.

This circumstance adds tension to the current situation and requires Kiev to take even stronger actions in the military sphere.

"It is important to note that even Ukrainian politicians express doubts about the success of the counter-offensive. They stress that the current counter-offensive has significant differences from the situation near Kharkiv and in the Kherson region.

Russian troops have carried out good preparation of the defence lines and this circumstance may undermine the morale of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All these factors create a difficult situation for the Ukrainian leadership and military command, which requires quick and effective solutions," Russian expert says.

The bottom line is that the Russians want to annihilate Ukrainian military power before sitting at the negotiating table, and the Ukrainians want to push Russian forces as close to the Russian border as possible.  


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