Armed Conflicts
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They will explode Europe! Explosion in an ammonia pipeline in Kharkiv with unspecified consequences - US aims to isolate Crimea

"Ukrainian saboteurs", according to the Russian media, allegedly blew up an ammonia pipeline in the Kharkiv region, according to a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

"On June 5, at approximately 21:00 Moscow time, in the area of ​​the village of Masyutovka, Kharkiv region, a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group blew up the Tolyatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline," the Russian side said.

"What happened there was called a terrorist act," announced the Russian Defense Ministry, which noted that there were casualties among civilians, who were given medical assistance.

None of the Russian soldiers were injured. "Currently, ammonia residues from Ukrainian soil are being drained through the damaged sections of the pipeline," the Russian Defense Ministry statement added.

Russians make extensive use of aircraft and artillery to demoralize Ukrainians

The Russian troop group "center", which includes hundreds of fighter and bomber aircraft as well as units of self-propelled artillery and surface-to-surface missiles, carried out a serious blow to the positions of three brigades of Ukrainian troops in Krasnalimansky.

This information was confirmed by the head of the press center of the team Alexander Savchuk.

"Our forces carried out raids using air-to-surface missiles from our Air Force and artillery fire against the positions of Ukrainian troops in the Krasnalimansky and Sviatovsk directions," Savchuk said in an interview with RIA Novosti news agency correspondents.

He also stressed that Russian bombers additionally attacked ammunition depots, firing positions and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Nefksi and Sevrona Dibrona regions.

Before that, referring during the day to the direction of Krasnolimansk, he emphasized that the group of Russian forces "Center", neutralized 60 Ukrainian soldiers and dozens of equipment systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to him, after the Ukrainians were hit by artillery and aircraft, the fighters were forced to disperse in the forest.

The aim is to isolate Crimea and cut it off from Russian territory

"We need to isolate Crimea from Russia," said Kurt Volker, a former US State Department special representative for Ukraine.

"This can be done by disrupting logistics, for example, by striking the Crimean bridge again. It is possible to disable the military base in Sevastopol.

Ukraine can do it now. And the work on the complete liberation of Crimea will take place sometime later.

The Crimean peninsula is very important for Ukraine's future security in the Black Sea and the operation of Ukrainian ports. It's hard to secure without control in Crimea," Volcker said.

He believes that the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons is "extremely low" because "it will lead to a response" from the US.

In turn, former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul said that "Russian imperialism must be defeated in Ukraine." "There will be no peace and security in Europe until Putin finally loses in Ukraine," he said.

As long as the USA and Russia do not find a common place of understanding, since they are fighting on Ukrainian territory, the possibility of a world war with the participation of China will increase.

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