Armed Conflicts
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Russians called on Ukrainian soldiers to surrender in Bakhmut before they are "burned" with TOS-1A systems (Video)

The Russian media "Baza" reported today that during the night the "Sebekino" crossing in the Belgorod region of Russia was attacked.

The attack was carried out with the help of drones that dropped ammunition on the administrative building and caused an explosion.

Fortunately there were no casualties. The same media reports that a drone was found in the Kaluga region of Russia, right next to the Moscow region, which is believed to have crashed last night.

The fall caused a strong explosion, while according to the data that has been published so far, no one was injured.

Kiev claims to have gained 20 square kilometers near Bakhmut, but fierce fighting around the city continues.

Russian soldiers of the Central Military District's "Grad" multiple-launch missile systems fired grenades at Ukrainian positions while dropping leaflets calling for surrender, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian Defense Ministry.

According to one of the NATO officers providing headquarters support for counterattacks on the flanks of the Bakhmut group, Ukraine suffered one of its heaviest losses since 2014.

About 1,725 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in recent days.

The losses of the 2nd Azov brigade, consisting of two motorized infantry units and a battalion on the northern side of Bakhmut, were halted and the losses totaled a strength reminiscent of a Ukrainian regiment.

The rapid withdrawal of Russian troops to the plain and the bombardment of Russian tanks, artillery and Russian aircraft on the defense line prepared at high altitudes led to heavy Ukrainian losses. A large number of foreign mercenaries and groups are trapped in Bahmut.

Ukraine's Armed Forces have been trying for several days to ease pressure to withdraw forces, but Russia has been nullifying those efforts with massive bombardment.

"Now is the time to fight back. Democracies like ours must build resistance so that we can defeat those who bring instability. Russia will be held accountable for the terrible war crimes that have been committed and we must also learn the lessons of this war, by being ready to deal with threats to our society before they become too great," said British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the CoE is important and must "punish the war crimes of the Russian occupiers and demand responsibility for the great damage Russia is doing to Ukraine day by day."

Russian air defenses destroyed five missiles in the southern direction of Dodietsk, while Russian air defense systems destroyed five American-made missiles, said Russian Colonel a. Gordeyev, head of the press center of the Istok group.

Also, according to Gordeyev, aerial reconnaissance spotted a mobile group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in trucks south of Vodyan. This phalanx was destroyed by "Acacia" self-propelled guns.

Bakhmut, we will not tire of stating it, is used by Russia as a decoy to attract strong Ukrainian forces, which are then taken on by the most powerful Russian artillery to pulverize them with the means at their disposal. The goal of the Russians is the many and heavy losses of the Ukrainians, as well as the early interception of the imminent Ukrainian counterattack.

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