Armed Conflicts
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Russians advance on Zaporizhia-Ukrainians fall into Russian TOS-1A trap at Bakhmut-Ukrainian Storm Shadow & HIMARS intercepted (Video)

A while ago it became known that the Russian air defense forces intercepted a long-range Storm Shadow cruise missile in the battle area.

This was announced by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

Also, according to him, seven HARM anti-radar missiles and ten HIMARS multiple rocket launchers were intercepted during the day.

In the direction of Zaporizhia, after massive artillery and air raids, Russian troops advanced near Malye Shcherbaki.

About 152,000 Russian troops are currently in southern Ukraine, in the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, preparing to defend their positions against an expected Ukrainian counterattack.

We have said and we say again that war is deception according to an ancient Chinese general, and this deception is practiced in abundance by the Russians in Bahamut.


Prigozhin's confrontation with Putin surpasses in direction even the excellent Russian series "Catherine the Great".

The immediate result is that the Russians are trapping thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in and around Bakhmut, (a while ago it was known that they had sent Paratrooper units to the sides of the city), which they then destroy with Tos-1A thermobaric missiles, self-propelled artillery and aircraft SU-34.

The result is seen on video in Bakhmut where today we see a new pile of Ukrainian military equipment near the villages of Krasnoye and Ivanoskoe near the entrance to Bakhmut.

We are talking about BREM, MT-LB systems, "Cossack" and Dingo armored vehicles.

The road has been under the fire control of our Russian artillery for several months and is constantly replenished with new samples of burnt Ukrainian vehicles.

"Ukrainian troops are attacking the entire line of contact," Denis Pushilin, leader of the breakaway Donetsk People's Republic, said on Rossiya 24 television.

"It is not yet the big counterattack that is being talked about a lot. We see that the enemy is trying to probe our positions, trying to conduct reconnaissance in certain areas," he said of the Russian speakers.

He stressed that Russian speakers were preparing for such a development of events, while the situation has become more complicated in some areas, but in general it is under control.

The Russians at the same time are deploying airborne assault troops on the outskirts of Bahamut as heavy fighting continues.

Ukrainian General O. Sursky, Commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, said that the advance of the Ukrainian armed forces on the Bakhmut front is the first success of the attack on the defense of the city.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hana Maliar noted that heavy fighting continues in the city as the Russians move airborne units into the outskirts.

"Things are difficult in Bahamut and the surrounding area. Very difficult. Against all odds, our troops managed to advance for several days. All this thanks to the superpowers and professionalism of our army. The Russians are not changing their objective . They are deploying their airborne assault units on the outskirts of Bakhmut. Heavy fighting continues. The defense of Bakhmut continues," Ukrainian A/GES said.

"The last few days have shown that we can advance and destroy the enemy even in such extremely difficult conditions. We are fighting with fewer resources than the enemy. At the same time, we are able to destroy their plans. This is because our soldiers, fighting the aggressor, go beyond the highest limits of human capabilities. However, this is only a partial success. And that's how it should be perceived. The operation to defend Bahamut continues. All necessary defense decisions have been made.

My commanders and I have worked out all possible scenarios directly on the battlefield," he continued.

On Sunday, Ukrainian forces captured more than ten Russian positions in the north and south of the Bakhmut suburbs.

They cleared a large area of the forest volume in the Ivanivske area, in Bahmut, but they probably do not understand the "lens" that the Russians have set up to exterminate them, with Bahmut as a "cheese".

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