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The infamous Russian snipers in action in Ugledar-Ukrainians were terrified by Russian aircraft in Snykhurivka (Video)

For some kilometers at the most dangerous point of this direction, the town of Uglendar, Russian sniper-reconnaissancers are constantly observing the site. The soldier is several kilometers away from the enemy, so from such a distance it is quite difficult to detect him. Also, if he uses a camouflage suit, then he literally becomes one with his surroundings.

That's how the Kremlin's Russian state-run Zvezda begins its new publication, going on to say that the Russian scout has been part of its unit almost since the start of the war last year. His nickname is "Old Man" and he said that no matter how well he studies the area, he cannot venture without support.

“We still interact with the probe, which corrects our targets. I change positions according to his instructions etc" said sniper Stary.

Scouts use observation and tracking equipment. In the fighter's hands is the electroptical array called "Irony".

"The device is used both during the day and at night. It allows you to detect camouflaged targets and other targets up to 30 kilometers away. The thermal channel allows you to see a protected tank at a distance of 1,600 meters," said the reconnaissance team operator, nicknamed Bem.

These soldiers are the eyes and ears of the Russian infantry and artillery. Because of his work over the last few months, units of the Vostok troop group were able to move in the direction of Uglendar.

"With our participation in the areas of reconnaissance and inflicting damage, three forts were captured. And this happened only in the last week" said the commander of the reconnaissance brigade, "The Hawk".

According to Russian Channel 5, the armed forces of Ukraine, after the destruction of several units in Snykhurivka by Russian aircraft, are afraid to sit at the site for a long time. This was announced by the head of the Snigirevsky district, Yuri Barbashov.

"The Russian air force carried out a strong strike on them, and as a result for some time there were no significant forces of the Ukrainian armed forces in Snykhurivka," said Barbashov in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Shortly after the accident, the Ukrainians tried to return to the site, but they realized the danger and their chances of failure, so they quickly left, the Russians said.

Now, Barbashov reported that Kiev soldiers are using Snykhurivka as a logistical support point to move to the regions of Berislav, Kherson and Kriviy Rih.

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