Armed Conflicts
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Devastating missile attacks in Ukraine in the early hours of May Day (Images) - The Ukrainians lost 15 thousand men in April, Moscow reported!

The US think tank the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) received reports from the Ukrainian and Russian sides of another large-scale missile attack against Ukraine, which the Russian Federation carried out on the night of April 30 and the following morning .

The Ukrainian military general staff said nine Tu-95 and two Tu-160 strategic bombers took off from the Burmansk region and from a position near the Caspian Sea and fired 18 Kh-101 and Kh-555 cruise missiles at Ukrainian targets. Ukrainian air defenses are reported to have shot down 15 missiles.


The Russian Defense Ministry said on May 1 that the strikes targeted the country's military-industrial infrastructure and successfully disrupted the production of military resources. Also, Russian pages reported that the missile attacks hit Ukrainian air defense systems and a transport hub in Pavlograd.

Yuriy Ignat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian air force, noted the fact that both Tu-95s and Tu-160s fired far fewer missiles than their full payloads, hinting that Russia is still struggling to produce these munitions.

At the same time, analysts commented that footage from Pavlograd shows one of the Russian missiles hitting the city's chemical laboratory, causing a powerful explosion at the site.

New Russian Official Statements

In other news now, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, said that the Russian company Tactical Missiles (KTRV) has developed new types of weapons in the shortest possible time, and has already started their mass production.

In this statement, Shoigu emphasized that KTRV is successfully supplying the Russian war zone in Ukraine with the newest naval and air weapons, the equal of which are not found in any country.


Subsequently, the Russian defense minister stated that the losses of the Ukrainian army during the past month exceeded 15 thousand soldiers.

At the same time, Russian units destroyed eight Ukrainian aircraft, 277 drones of various categories and types, and about 430 tanks and other armored vehicles. At least this was explained by the official statement of the Russian.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry added that about 330 Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries were neutralized in the direction of Donetsk in just one day.

On the other hand, Russian authorities have not made any statement regarding official Russian casualties for many months.

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