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Russians on alert-Ukraine official posted for drone attack on Red Square parade on May 9, 2023

On the occasion of a post on a social network by the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Garachenko with a panoramic view of Moscow's Red Square, the Russian authorities were put on alert.

The reason is that there are many chances of "a Ukrainian drone flying over Moscow, breaching air defenses."

This scenario for the Kremlin has great possibilities, while the Russians are afraid of Ukrainian "fireworks" for May 9", according to the Ukrainian official.

On May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day, which commemorates the capture of Berlin by the Russian army in 1945.

This year, we will have a traditional military parade held on that day in Moscow's Red Square, but the Immortal Order parade was canceled for security reasons.

Are the Kremlin authorities afraid of something?

May 9 parades were also canceled in Crimea and the cities of Belgorod and Kursk, which border Ukraine. “Red Square will be closed to the public from April 27 to May 10 for the preparation and conduct of the parade. If I'm right, this has never happened in the history of Moscow, not even in 1941. Are the Kremlin authorities afraid of something?" asked the Ukrainian official.

"But there is something else, the drones are coming from the sky. The physical closure of the square does not protect the Russians from that," he warned.

Russian state news agency ITAR-TASS announced today that three drones with cameras were found in different areas of the Moscow region recently. We remind you that a drone loaded with explosives was found yesterday in a forest near Moscow. Moscow is currently investigating cases of Ukrainian drones.

Gerashchenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of "becoming more and more toxic". “The only foreign leader who will participate in the Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9 is the president of Kyrgyzstan. He was invited at the end of March. This year, the country will not have any demonstrations or rallies dedicated to May 1st. The Russian authorities will also not hold the traditional march of the Immortal Order on May 9,” Gerachenko wrote.

Clearly, the Russians are also afraid of a drone attack during the parade in Red Square, since this possibility is very likely. The Ukrainians are certainly up to something, in an event that is being broadcast live across the vast Russian territory and will be attended by all of the country's top political and military leadership.

So the targets for the Ukrainians are many and very tempting, according to the estimates of other expert defense analysts.

It is certain that the Russian air defense will work triple shifts to keep the airspace over Moscow "clear", but there is always the risk that any unmanned aerial vehicle will escape and reach Red Square.

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