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Armed Conflicts
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Assassination Plan: Betrayed Ukrainian soldiers want to hang Zelensky before Russians do, US official says! They suspect bodyguards

The armed forces of Ukraine want to kill the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky because of his treason. This was reported by the former adviser to the US secretary of defense, retired colonel Douglas McGregor.


McGregor spoke about the corruption that exists in the armed forces of Ukraine. As an example, he cited "the hundreds of millions in cash that ended up in various places, but not in military equipment" for the country.


"And why do you think we hear the Ukrainian military saying, 'The first thing we need to do is go back and hang Zelensky and his team before the Russians get to him.' We have had such information for months now," said the American, adding that the Ukrainian army "knows very well that it was betrayed."

But Russian analysts speculate that if the Ukrainian army wanted Zelensky dead, it would have killed him already, since he is often seen at the front. Or is it about performances? The Russian SvPressa specifically notes that Zelensky from the beginning of his term was not loved among the Ukrainian army.

However, with the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine his reputation changed dramatically. For many Ukrainians he became the "patriotic" leader who defends his country vigorously. But in recent months many believe that Zelensky has turned his back on the Ukrainian people and now they want to take revenge on him. According to them, his poor leadership led tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths.

Is McGregor Truthful or...?

According to Ivan Mezyukho, a political analyst at the Crimean Center for Political Education, a public organization who spoke to Russia's SvPressa, McGregor seems "enthusiastic," but the US probably wouldn't benefit from Zelensky's death today.

The expert from Crimea adds that "only periodically are videos published by the armed forces of Ukraine in which they criticize Zelensky or threaten to go to Kiev. These videos are then deleted from the internet."


The political analyst is not sure if the Ukrainian military really believes that Zelensky betrayed them, or if all these reports by McGregor are intended to mislead public opinion.

"I don't know if the Ukrainian army feels betrayed, but a part of the military personnel certainly does not respect the top leadership."

Finally, the Russian concluded by saying that Zelensky does not seem to fear either his bodyguards or the Ukrainian soldiers. However, he says that if someone from the US orders his assassination, the trigger will probably be pulled by one of his closest bodyguards.

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