Armed Conflicts
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Downing of a Russian Su-24M aircraft in Bakhmut-Matter of hours the attack of the Ukrainians?

Ukrainian air defense units shot down a Russian Su-24M tactical bomber in the Donetsk Region on March 29, the Ukrainian Air Force said.

The Ukrainians shot down the Russian jet near the town of Bakhmut around 1.30am.

Explosion in Rostov-on-Don

The residential area of western Rostov was rocked by the sound of a loud explosion, the Rostov Gazeta newspaper and Russian correspondents reported.

Today, Wednesday, March 29, in Rostov on the Don River at approximately 12:15 Moscow time, a loud sound, similar to an explosion, was heard.

A Russian correspondent on Portovaya Street said the blast was powerful enough to shake the building and shatter windows, as well as setting off car alarms.

No one knows for sure what happened, while there are unconfirmed reports of a Ukrainian suicide drone.

There are reports that Ukrainian saboteurs entered the province of Bryansk and struck the village of Lomanovka.

The Ukrainians are preparing a major ground counter-attack on the bloody Bahmut

The Ukrainians have been releasing footage of a large concentration of tanks and TOMAs, hinting that a counterattack in Bakhmut against Russian forces is a matter of hours or days.

In the new video you can see in addition to tanks and TOMAs, various wheeled vehicles, MLRS, in battle formation and this tells us a lot.

Kyiv media note that the video was not shot near the front line, since such a concentration of equipment would be an ideal target for Russian artillery and air force for a mass strike.

Prigozhin's statement about the final showdown in Bahmut

"The battle for Bakhmut between Wagner and the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be the biggest turning point in this war," Prigozhin said.

The head of Wagner said that the battle for Bahamut was planned by the commanders of the Orchestra organization in the summer, after the capture of Popasnaya.

"The meat machine called Bahamut is a historical battle where the Armed Forces of Ukraine were practically destroyed, but, unfortunately, Wagner was also badly hit," reports an independent expert reflecting the truth.

"In the battle between Ukraine and the West on the one hand, and Russia with a small number of allies on the other, Wagner's action against the Ukrainians, in which my organization will win, will be the biggest turning point in this war, and throughout modern history," Prigozhin emphasized.

"If the Wagner PMC is not destroyed in the Bakhmut meat grinder and destroys the Ukrainian forces and the forces associated with the supply of Western armaments, it will give the Russian military the opportunity to advance further, and then the Wagner will fulfill its historic role.

But in order to do that, everyone else must not back down, everyone else must be ready and move forward," Wagner's chief concluded.

The Russian army has sent more than 100 T-90M Proryv tanks near Bakhmut, and there are reports of moving SMERTCH surface-to-surface missiles.

These are moves that indicate Russian preparations for an attack. The battle of battles and the imminent Russian attack will take place in Bakhmut and the surrounding area.

Russian Generals first await the Ukrainian counter-offensive, aiming to slow it down and stop it by killing thousands of Ukrainians and mercenaries, before infecting their 200,000 Russian soldiers.

This is the Russian plan, whether it succeeds or not we will see in action in this relentless and terrifying war, which does not seem to be coming to a truce anytime soon.

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