Armed Conflicts
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Bahamut is surrounded by the Russians and is totally being conquered - Ukrainian forces are on the border with Belarus

Belarus' Defense Ministry announced that a "significant group of Ukrainian troops has gathered near its border," prompting an alert in the country's Armed Forces.

Minsk has noticed  "immediate threats to its military security" of the country and therefore mobilized strong forces.

The president of Belarus said yesterday that he had ordered the formation of the National Guard amid fighting in neighboring Ukraine.

Alexander Lukashenko has cultivated close military ties with Russia, which used Belarusian territory to send troops into Ukraine nearly a year ago at the start of what the Kremlin calls a "special military operation."

Russia has 15,000 troops in Belarus and the two countries regularly conduct joint exercises as part of their military alliance.

Speaking during a meeting with his officials, the Belarusian president stressed that the country needs to form paramilitary units in every town or village that will serve as territorial defense to supplement the country's 45,000 troops "in case of attack".

He added that every Belarusian should learn how to handle weapons "to protect his family and home" if necessary.

These are plans that, according to Russian sources, concern a possible attack on the country from the West, with the aim of ousting the communist regime of Lukashenko.

Bahamut is surrounded by the Russians and falls completely

"Wagner" mercenary army units managed to advance deep in the northern direction, expelling the Ukrainian army from the territory of Yahidne settlement, along with another settlement located west of Bakhmut, and everything seems to be coming to an end.

This fact shows that the situation around Bakhmut is hopeless for the Ukrainians and to the advantage of the Russian army, given its rate of progress, since the city is completely surrounded, just waiting to fall.

As it became known to the journalists of, this morning, "Wagner" units took full control of the new settlement of Yahidne.

The fighting for the last settlement did not last long, however, now the Armed Forces of Ukraine have only a very small corridor, which provides an opportunity only for the retreat of the Ukrainian army before the final attack.

As previously expected, Ukrainian troops were unable to mount an effective defense in Bakhmut, since Wagner units managed to advance quickly enough to the west of the city.

The reason everyone is focusing on Bakhmut is that through this city, Russian forces will launch ground attacks in all directions, which will make it very difficult for Ukrainian forces to intercept them.

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