Armed Conflicts
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Biden and Zelensky talk Long-Range Missiles while Russians are on the edge of Seversk and ready to take Bakhmut


Ukrainian President V. Zelensky said a while ago that he discussed with the American President T. Biden the granting of long-range weapons during the visit of the US President to Kiev.

Biden also said there would be a new package of sanctions on Russia later this week, with National Security Adviser John Sullivan traveling with him.



"There are difficult days, weeks and years ahead. Putin's goal is to erase Ukraine from the map, while the Russian economy is now isolated and facing problems," the American president emphasized, among other things.

Moscow's reaction will come tomorrow with the statements of Russian President Putin, according to which sources say that we will hear "wild things" in the US-Russia conflict.


The Russian army captured a strategic hill in Lugansk and took control of the railway to Seversk

This was stated by the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, on his Telegram channel.

Akhmat's "special forces" together with the 3rd battalion of his 2nd army corps captured a strategic hill in the Belogorovka region, it said.

Fierce fighting for this strategic hill continued "for a long time", Kadyrov explained. As a result, about five kilometers of land, as well as access to the railway leading to Sevlersk, came under the control of Russian units.

The capture of Seversk is of strategic importance for the further capture of Krasni Liman.

Bakhmut is at the mercy of the Russians

Zelensky for the first time made ambiguous statements about Bahmut, which open the door wide for the Russians.

The situation is similar to what has already been observed earlier in other cities, including Sokledar, Mariupol, etc.

In his statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky no longer expressed confidence that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would retain control of this city, stressing that the occupation of Bakhmut would only continue "as long as it makes sense."

Similar statements were made earlier by him about other cities, including Mariupol, while a few weeks ago Zelensky made similar statements about Solentar.

This, according to experts, actually refers to the announced retreat of the Ukrainian army from Bakhmut, moreover, it is more than likely that this was done under pressure from the West and the United States, which is pressuring the Armed Forces of Ukraine to leave the city since the beginning of this year.

At the moment, Russian units continue to encircle Bakhmut, according to information available to journalists, fighting is already ongoing for the settlement of Berkovka, which gives direct access to the western suburbs of Bakhmut.

The Russians aim to trap as many Ukrainian soldiers and mercenaries as they can.



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