Armed Conflicts
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Fierce battles! Russian troops conquered all the fronts near Bakhmut - They strike them with cruise missiles and drones

Bakhmut is located in the Kiev-controlled part of the Donetsk People's Republic, north of Gorlovka. This is an important transport hub for the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass.

According to foreign media, heavy fighting continues for the city. The deputy head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, said that Russian forces are advancing in the Paraskovievka area, north of Bakhmut. Its release will make it possible to cut off the last supply route for Ukrainian troops in the city.

Pushilin emphasized that the Russian forces were already entrenched in the northern part of Bakhmut and also that the Russian troops occupied all the heights, while the head of the Wagner Group told about the advance of the militants in the eastern part of the city.

Recall that the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said that more than eight thousand mercenaries from more than 60 countries arrived in Ukraine, the largest groups coming from Poland, the United States, Canada, Romania and Britain.

According to Western reports, since January, from one to three thousand foreign mercenaries have been operating in the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Russia has been conducting a military operation in Ukraine since February 24 last year. Vladimir Putin called the liberation of Donbas and the creation of conditions that would guarantee the security of the state his goal.

It should also be noted that Ukraine is not far behind Russia in weapons stockpiles thanks to supplies from the West. NATO officials have concluded that it is Western aid that is helping Ukraine stay on par with Russia.

Ukraine was attacked with cruise missiles and drones

Ukraine received a massive combined attack at night by cruise missiles and drones.

According to a foreign media outlet, a mass air traffic alert was sounded across Ukraine. The reason for this was a combined attack by Russian forces using shahid drones and cruise missiles. According to the Ukrainian side, a total of 32 cruise missiles were used in the attack (their type is not named), while the Ukrainian military claims to have hit 16 missiles.

According to the data provided around midnight, the territory of Ukraine first received a massive strike using unmanned aerial vehicles. At the same time, during the night multiple strikes were carried out on the territory of Ukraine using cruise missiles. It is reported that 16 interceptions were made in total, however the Ukrainian side does not specify what happened to the remaining 16 missiles.

Ukraine to move power plants to underground shelters

According to Spiegel, after the massive strikes by the Russian Armed Forces on infrastructure facilities in Kiev, they thought of building underground electricity substations.

It also quotes the opinion of experts from the UK Ministry of Defense that the Russian military air force is capable of carrying out precision strikes, but cannot play a key role.

It grows almost exclusively in Russia. In addition, the planes are scattered at different airports in fear of Ukrainian raids.

Under the present circumstances, a continuation of the air war is unlikely. Analysts believe that, this could lead to unacceptable aircraft losses.









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