Armed Conflicts
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Russian guided missile killed an American volunteer in Bakhmut (video) - NYT consider It as a murderous execution by Russians

An analysis of the American newspaper Times considers the death of Pete Reed as a deliberate act of murder.

"It is unclear whether the perpetrators knew they were with a group of medical aid workers.


Aid workers are circled in white. To their right is a white van. To their left is a wrecked vehicle, also circled in white. Aid workers treating an injured civilian in Bahamut on February 2 when a missile hit the American," the newspaper said.

Reed was a former US Marine who volunteered on the front lines of the war, where he was killed and several of his colleagues were wounded.

Volunteers at the scene initially attributed the hit to indiscriminate Russian shelling.

But a frame-by-frame analysis of video taken at the site, shared with The New York Times, shows that Reed, who was unarmed, died in a targeted missile strike almost certainly fired by Russian troops.

It is unclear whether the Russians knew the group was made up of humanitarians. But his convoy had red cross markings, which showed the Russians the type of vehicles they had targeted.

Russians blame Ukrainians for execution of doctors in Glendar

"The Ukrainian regime violates all possible and unlikely international rules." This was announced on Wednesday, February 15, by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the shooting by Ukrainian fighters of a group of doctors near Ugledar.

He noted that similar cases were recorded in other areas of the front. It is clarified that regulation, as a rule, is carried out with the help of UAVs.

The state of the Bahamut war

With Moscow's forces encircled in the city, Kiev is not allowing volunteer nurses and doctors and other aid workers to enter the besieged city, a sign of a possible major Ukrainian retreat.

"The video appears to show that the strike was by a Kornet guided anti-tank missile, while he and those around him were in an unobstructed position from the Russians who were two miles away," the paper concluded.

The city of Bahamut was an industrial city with salt mines, and had a pre-war population of 70,000. The city has an estimated population of a few thousand, which is the brunt of heavy shelling and fighting in the city.

The Americans' information was that Reed and his team were called to treat a wounded civilian when they were attacked.

There is also increasing information about group executions, torture, rape and other crimes, for which the military commanders of these departments are responsible, who do not give the appropriate orders, and if they do, then they do not control them as they should as chief officers .

Unfortunately in this war they have repeatedly violated all treaties, and war crimes are being committed by both sides, and no one is talking about them.

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